A new survey out of China claims that all the single ladies—and men—are subject to psychological and physical hazards as a result of their crippling loneliness. Happy Valentine's Day. Beijing-based Ciming Health Checkup Management Group, in conjunction with the Chinese Medical Doctor592 次阅读|没有评论
Now that his term's over, the Governator may be the Terminator once more. After seven years of public service, the former Republican governor of California announced on Twitter Friday that he's returning to the big screen–and he's looking for offers. His personal aide, Daniel
Brazilian soccer phenom Ronaldo announced Monday his retirement from The Beautiful Game after 18 years because of his body's inability to keep up with the pace of the sport, the Associated Press reported . The striker, christened Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima, is leaving at a ripene
Nokia could've picked the fast-growing Android and been a star in the Google-verse. So why is it going with the riskier Microsoft Phone OS? Image of Stephen Elop by luca.sartoni via Flickr It's official – Nokia and Microsoft have teamed up to take on rivals Apple and Google. Th
在有一天,我拎着刚买的levi’s从茂业出来,站在门口等一个朋友。一个职业乞丐发现了我,非常专业的、径直的停在我面前。这一停,于是就有了后 面这个让我深感震撼的故事,就象上了一堂生动的市场调查案例课。为了忠实于这个乞丐的原意,我凭记忆尽量重复他原来的话。 “先生……行行 好,给点吧。”我一时无聊便在
香港究竟是一块怎样的土地? 在父母那辈人的眼里,香港好,是因为它被传说成遍地是黄金,好像什么都不用干只要站在这里就会飞黄腾达一样。在国内同龄人眼中,香港好是因为他是亚洲金融和文化小中心,有点圣地一般的感觉。可是香港是不是真的好? 如果好,又是好在哪里? 我尝试着去回答这样的问题,不是
At a bargain-basement auction of foreclosed homes held on Jan. 29 in a New York City Sheraton hotel, one of the music tracks that played as bidders prepared to pounce on distressed properties was James Brown's "Living in America." It was either a major planning blunder or a brillia
FORTUNE -- Sometimes it's better to be late to a party. By the time Best Buy made a splash in China in 2006, large domestic rivals had already spread their tentacles across the nation, the Wal-Marts of the world were becoming entrenched, and massive PC malls -- a sort of messy and hyperactive p
《爱情买卖》走红了的2010年,中国GDP增长预计超过10%,经济形势好,物价涨,爱情成本也水涨船高了。剩女最想嫁给公务员,政协委员建议80后打拼到 40岁之后再买房。电影再纯爱,也要看票房。电视里没速配出爱情,却捧红了几个能赚钱的人。《婚姻法》坚决不让小三得好处,狡猾的大叔也没有富二代吃香了。 中国,不说爱。