
12已有 432 次阅读  2010-11-25 11:58   标签改善  休息 
推荐一本书,The Now Habits, 中文名《战胜拖拉》,建议去豆瓣可以看看简介,再决定要不要读。有人结合自己的体会写了篇小essay,觉得挺好的。
“What people will find surprising about me is that I used to be slow to act but now I am an efficient head hunter. Previously, I often read an internet novel during working time and watched TV in the evening till midnight. Then I felt guilty about my lack of productivity and made a strict plan to fill every minute with work. But a week later, I forgot my plan and repeated the behavior.

I read a self-help book and found the reason: I spent all day on work under my strict plan so that my brain couldn't get tangible happiness. Then it spent all day on leisure to get compensation for itself. The more I took away, the more it brought back.

Then I changed my pattern. I prioritized my leisure plan first and allocated a reasonable amount of time towards leisure activities, including sleep, exercise, and visiting with friends. Subtracting leisure time, I knew how much time I could work, not imagined I had 24 hours to work everyday. I inserted working plan in leisure plan, and divided work into 40-minutes periods. So my brain devoted itself to work, because it regarded the work as a piece of cake, and not as insurmountable.

Besides, when it’s leisure time, I just enjoyed it. Especially when I’m under pressure, I must control my impulse to decrease my leisure time. Recently, I was under 3 pressures: work, MBA application and help the girl overcome her mental health issues I mentioned above. I added an facial and back treatment to my tight schedule. With my brain and body at ease, I found I had more energy to face challenges.

Now I am happier and more effective. Work-life balance isn’t a new concept, however still every year many people die from work-related stress illnesses. What I do is respect my brain’s capacity for a healthy balance of work and leisure. ”
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  • hsWang 2010-11-25 12:11
    有时间赌毒 谢谢老章推荐
  • boshan29472947 2010-11-25 12:27
    hsWang: 有时间赌毒 谢谢老章推荐
  • stream 2010-11-25 12:51
    每次看电影之前我都会去豆瓣上看看 哈哈!挑选出精良电影来看。
  • smartfay 2010-11-25 16:20
  • Boyea.Z 2010-11-26 13:08
  • stream 2010-11-26 16:01
    Boyea.Z: 急急急需需需!
    我最近是体会了失眠 可怕。。。。。
  • miwawa 2010-11-26 22:11
    stream: 我最近是体会了失眠 可怕。。。。。