
3已有 573 次阅读  2012-05-24 11:42   标签招生  多伦多大学  说明会  全日制 
【加拿大MBA】想在2013年去世界著名商学院-多伦多大学伯罗特曼管理学院攻读全日制MBA学位吗?那就参加由校方MBA助理招生主任Claire Gumus女士于5月27日下午2:30-3:30在北京举办的招生说明会吧。

Events around the World: Summer 2012

Information Session in Beijing
If you’re considering an MBA, attending one of our information sessions is a great chance to get in-person answers to your questions about the admissions process, the Full-Time MBA program, and the career paths the degree will open. Claire Gumus, Assistant Director of the Full-Time MBA Recruitment and Admissions will be visiting Beijing talking to prospective students about how Rotman’s reputation, location, and curriculum give our MBA grads a unique advantage.

When: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM, Sunday, May 27
Where: Boost Education, Suite 1101, Xinzhongguan Plaza, Tower B, No.19 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District Beijing 100080, China
Tel: 8610-51654422
Web: www.boost.org.cn
Find out more about the Rotman MBA Program as we travel to your city on the MBA World Tour this Spring! 
Click on a city’s name to view full details and registration information.  
Dubai – May 18
New Delhi – May 21
Mumbai – May 24
Bangalore – May 26
Beijing – May 31
Shanghai – June 3


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