
2已有 603 次阅读  2011-03-23 14:02   标签Tuck 
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stormbringer wrote:

I'm a little confused. I heard that, as of last month, Tuck requires admitted students to get their own cosigner for any loans they might take (similar to Columbia). I checked their website and it isn't completely clear to me. Can someone clarify?

Up unitl October, they were offering no-cosigner loan to international students but they stopped it and now intl students would have to look for their own co-signers or get loan from their home country.
“From Tuck website
Availability of international loans through Tuck for the Class of 2013 will be limited. We are pursuing alternative international loan programs and will post information as soon as it is available. Regardless of the source of the loan, students should not expect to be able to borrow enough to cover the full cost of attending Tuck. Our goal in providing the loan program is to supplement the student’s other financial resources. International students should investigate all sources of funding from within their home country including government and private scholarships and loans. International students may also be eligible for other types of loans if they have a U.S. cosigner with positive credit history.”
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