GMAT学习笔记15: SC 11年04月02日回答Jessica001问题记录

28已有 2262 次阅读  2011-06-07 16:23   标签GMAT学习笔记 




According to the passage, the periodic behavior displayed by commuter diatoms under constant laboratory conditions is characterized by which of the following?          


A. Greater unpredictability than the corresponding behavior under natural conditions

B. A consistent periodic schedule in the short term

C. No difference over the long term from the corresponding behavior under natural conditions

D. Initial variability caused by the constant conditions of the laboratory

E.Greater sensitivity to environmental factors than is the case under natural conditions


Recently biologists have been interested in a tide-associated periodic behavior displayed by the diatom Hantzschia virgata, a microscopic golden-brown alga that inhabits that portion of a shoreline washed by tides (the intertidal zone). Diatoms of this species, sometimes called “commuter” diatoms, remain burrowed in the sand during high tide, and emerge on the sand surface during the daytime low tide. Just before the sand is inundated by the rising tide, the diatoms burrow again.  Some scientists hypothesize that commuter diatoms know that it is low tide because they sense an environmental change, such as an alteration in temperature or a change in pressure caused by tidal movement.  However, when diatoms are observed under constant conditions in a laboratory, they still display periodic behavior, continuing to burrow on schedule for several weeks. This indicates that commuter diatoms, rather than relying on environmental cues to keep time, possess an internal pacemaker or biological clock that enables them to anticipate periodic changes in the environment. A commuter diatom has an unusually accurate biological clock, a consequence of the unrelenting environmental pressures to which it is subjected; any diatoms that do not burrow before the tide arrives are washed away.


This is not to suggest that the period of this biological clock is immutably fixed.  Biologists have concluded that even though a diatom does not rely on the environment to keep time, environmental factors—including changes in the tide’s hydrostatic pressure, salinity, mechanical agitation, and temperature—can alter the period of its biological clock according to changes in the tidal cycle.  In short, the relation between an organism’s biological clock and its environment is similar to that between a wristwatch and its owner:  the owner cannot make the watch run faster or slower, but can reset the hands.  However, this relation is complicated in intertidal dwellers such as commuter diatoms by the fact that these organisms are exposed to the solar-day cycle as well as to the tidal cycle, and sometimes display both solar-day and tidal periods in a single behavior. Commuter diatoms, for example, emerge only during those low tides that occur during the day.


The answer is B











我是这样想的,题干出现在“However, when diatoms are observed under constant conditions in a laboratory, they still display periodic behavior, continuing to burrow on schedule for several weeks. ”这句中。这个"however"反驳了上文科学家的假设:这种藻类通过感觉环境变化来“往返”的。这样就排除了E选项;然后这句话中说“still display periodic behavior”,因此往返是有一定规律,的并非不可预测,A选项排除;接着看第二段,大致是讲这种藻类的“往返”规律也是有可能改变的,可能受一些环境因素影响而改变,所以C说不变是不对的;剩下一个D,说是要收到长期的外界改变后,藻类的这种生物钟才会有点调整,它刚到实验室,还水土不服想念大海的时候,咋可能就立马受实验室环境影响改变自己原本作息呢?所以排除。。然后B就对了。。





short term从哪里可以看出来呀? 







A 相比于在自然环境下的相应行为有更大的不可预测性

B 在短期内有稳定的周期性时间表

C 相比于在自然环境下的相应行为在长期内都没有任何差别

D 由实验室的稳定环境造成的初始阶段的变化无常

E 相比于自然环境表现出更强的对环境因素的敏感度


这道题应该定位于“However, when diatoms are observed under constant conditions in a laboratory, they still display periodic behavior, continuing to burrow on schedule for several weeks. ”这句话的意思是:但是当硅藻被放在实验室的恒定环境中进行观察时,它们仍然表现出周期性的行为特征:按时间把自己埋掉并且持续了好几个星期。










此问答已经结贴。给积分情况如下: niki.nee: 36个,James: 36  


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