
4已有 1167 次阅读  2011-04-24 13:44   标签考试时间 
Based on an analysis of thousands of actual GMAT records, the question of whether to guess or leave questions blank (at the end) depends on the number of items you have left, the section you are on (Verbal or Quantitative), and your relative ability. Here is how it breaks down:
    If you only have 1 or 2 items left in either section, it doesn’t make much difference if you guess or omit the question. You should finish the item you are on to the best of your ability and not worry about the others.
    If you are on the Verbal section, it doesn’t make much difference if you guess when you have up to about 5 questions left. You should finish the item you are on to the best of your ability and not worry about the others.
    In the Quantitative section, your odds improve if you guess and complete all the questions rather leave the final questions unanswered. After all, there are fewer questions in this section, so each item left blank in this section comprises a higher proportion of the test than in the verbal section. Guess as smartly as you canbut guess nonetheless—do not leave items blank.
    If you have an idea what your relative ability is ahead of time (i.e., you’ve taken a practice test or diagnostic test), then your guess versus omit strategy differs based on where you think you would fall. If your scores tend to be relatively low on the section, leaving the questions blank may actually result in a higher score than getting even the easy questions wrong by guessing. If you are near the top of the scale, you have farther to fall if you omit the items and therefore you should guess. Low ability—omit; high ability—guess; medium ability—see above.

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  • myice 2011-04-24 20:10
  • Summer 2011-04-24 21:55
  • fyouyang 2011-04-25 03:38
    good to know
  • xiaobo1984 2011-04-25 16:36
  • robert 2011-04-25 16:52
    xiaobo1984: 那请问应该怎样看实力强不强以及高分低分题啊

  • xiaobo1984 2011-04-26 11:28
    robert: 实力是可以通过模考看出来。TOPWAY就提供这样的模考。

  • robert 2011-04-26 11:56
    xiaobo1984: 噢,明白了。如果后边的题越来越简单,那就说明分不高,就不用赶时间做了,对不?
  • xiaobo1984 2011-04-26 12:34
    robert: 是的。尽量保证正确率吧