If you’re looking for a way to keep your furry friend from clawing up your furniture, I can’t help you—I’m not talking about that kind of CAT. CAT refers to Computerized Adaptive Testing, which is the method used to administer and score the GMAT exam. The concept is deceptively simple, but wh
第一,在这个阶段,分项练习应该已经完成了,也就是说不需要再做新的题了。那么review和总结以前的错题及二选一蒙对的题尤为重要。 第二,做三到四次模考,每次和考试时间相同,包括作文也模。做到和考试状态一模一样。模考完花时间分析总结。 第三,看上次换题库后到这次未换题库之间的机经,建
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just take a few months off work, find a few cozy coffee shops, and devote yourself wholeheartedly to studying for the GMAT? Unfortunately, sometimes forgoing that paycheck just isn’t an option. If you find yourself trying to balance GMAT prep with a rigorous full
Book Bundles and Study Plans at a Glance Standard Plan Advanced Plan Ultimate Plan Beyond Hardcore Plan General Strategy Books Explain how GMAT works, provide general principles and strategies, give an idea about weaknesses, provide practice tests Kaplan Live Onlin
Based on an analysis of thousands of actual GMAT records, the question of whether to guess or leave questions blank (at the end) depends on the number of items you have left, the section you are on (Verbal or Quantitative), and your relative ability. Here is how it breaks down: If you only h
GMAT是申请进入北美商学院的必要条件,一个好的GMAT分数无疑就是一块强有力的敲门砖。一般来讲,对于TOP20(排名前20名)的商学院,有700分就差不多了。 现在中国地区的GMAT已经全部采用机考形式,考试时间三个半小时,可要算上登记注册及中间休息时间,那可就要早上8:00进去