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    每年,哈佛大学从全球三万名以上极具竞争力的申请者中,挑选约 2000 名组成新一届本科大一新生,其中约 11% 来自除美国外的 80 多个国家。此前,哈佛大学会在世界各地委托校友,对优异的申请者进行一对一或者多对一的面试。汤玫捷是众多的中国面试官之一。面试中国学生时,汤玫捷喜欢“突击式”提问。“我不希望给太多时间
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    GMAT模考资料 GMAT机考样题及解析 http://forum.topway.org/viewthread.php?tid=17184 GMAT复习指南全集(网络课堂资料) http://forum.topway.org/viewthread.php?tid=204372 800 score的5套题目 http://forum.topway.org/viewthread.php?tid=12099 最新机考练习资料:800分的5套例题 http://forum.topway.
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    考生们经常会问到关于GMAT阅读的问题,那么下面是将是某高分考生为大家分享的复习方法、以及大家碰到比较多的问题。   第一部分、我的GMAT阅读复习过程   1、建议材料:   OG+GWD,没时间完全可以不用其他材料。   2、建议复习进程:   第一阶段:OG的文章一天4篇,每天做一遍分析一遍,分析的时
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      大家都知道GMAT逻辑题主要是考察人的思维能力,而且往往考察的重点就是人思维的死角或误区,因此只要找出常见思维误区,并结合实际GMAT逻辑题考题,我们应该会比较容易找到GMAT逻辑题规律。    一、同一律   同一律是指在同一思维过程中思想须和自身保持同一。同一律有两个基本要求:第一,在同一
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    OG12-CR-74   In the past the country of Malvernia has relied heavily on imported oil. Malvernia recently implemented a program to convert heating systems from oil to natural gas. Malvernia currently produces more natural gas each year than it uses, and oil production in Malvernian oil fields i
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    (1月15日更新) 1. Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great anthropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best novels of the time. A. makes his letters as a group the rival of B. makes his letters as a group one to rival C. makes his
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    Passage 12 Social learning in animals is said to occur when direct or indirect social interaction facilitates the acquisition of a novel behavior.(作者对social learning下定义)It usually takes the form of an experienced animal (the demonstrator) performing a behavior such that the naïve anim
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    昨晚一夜都没有睡踏实,做了很多奇奇怪怪的梦,今早睡眼惺忪在Cornell的application system系统里看到offer时,还以为仍在做梦,这一年的辛苦没有白费,也非常感谢论坛,没有这个论坛,一切都会无比艰难。 Background供大家参考: 211大学,GPA 3.21 G750,T106 FMCG F500 4年Marketing工作经验(包括
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    GMAT写作模版在GMAT考试复习的后期往往是考生最为关心的一个环节。为节省各位考生的时间,小编将为即将参加GMAT考试的考生搜集整体GMAT写作模版,今天这篇是关于统一与分歧,预祝大家都能考出好成绩。   "What education fails to teach us is to see the human community as one. Rather than focus on the uni