Cornell R1 MBA Interview by Skype 【分享】

1已有 532 次阅读  2012-12-07 16:17   标签分享  experience  interview  Shanghai 

几个小时前刚结束的面试,约了昨晚9.15跟Ann的Skype interview,整个谈话非常轻松和愉快,内容大致如下:

  1. Self-introduction
  2. Why MBA; Career goal,因为打算做consulting,此处追问本科毕业为何不去做;mba后去做跟本科毕业做的区别;准备在美国还是回中国
  3. Why Cornell; other school applied
  4. Image what will be the biggest barrier when you study in US,感觉还是对亚洲人在课堂上的少言和集体活动时的内敛有顾虑
  5. How to deal with conflict in teamwork
  6. Any experience in oversea or out of Shanghai; experience with you global counterpart
  7. How can you adjust to the weather since all schools you applied have very cold winter
  8. Rationale behind every career choice or movement
  9. What you will bring to the classroom
  10. How your friends or teammates will describe you in three words
  11. Biggest achievement
  12. What to do in spare time
  13. How you will sell yourself in three aspects to conclude this interview
  14. Any question?


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