
10已有 1184 次阅读  2010-10-17 01:04   标签HBS  面试  邀请 
第一天就已经陆续有客户和朋友收到interview invitation了,暂时没收到的,也沉住气,因为这个过程是rolling的,要持续到11月3日,祝大家好运!
下面是HBS Admission Director Dee通过官方博客发布的消息,第一轮大概要发800个invitation。

Round One Interview Invitations

Just so you know, I always wonder whether my comments here alleviate or create anxiety. This update may sound quite stern and rather chilly. That's not how I mean it, but I want to be very (very) clear.

We will begin to send out interview invitations by email tomorrow, October 15. The invitation will provide detailed instructions about the sign-up process.

Please note: We will continue to send out invitations until November 3. Really. And not just a few - we plan to interview about 800 people in Round 1, and we will send out interview invitations on a rolling basis as applications are reviewed. We will continue to add slots in many locations as we send out more interviews, and there is ALWAYS the option to come to campus.

If you call and ask us if we can expedite the consideration of your application so that you can make travel plans, the answer will be "Sorry, no."

Another important note: Please don't send in additional materials or have others do so on your behalf. Even if we thought that was fair, we can't be adding things to files at this point.



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  • stream 2010-10-17 15:40
    你给我发的站短 如果当天看不了 第二天再看时就无法回复 是不是bug?
  • hsWang 2010-10-17 15:41
    stream: 你给我发的站短 如果当天看不了 第二天再看时就无法回复 是不是bug?
  • stream 2010-10-17 15:43
    hsWang: 明天对小林实施问责
    而且站短也无法展开 明天我和小林讨论下
  • lovin 2010-10-18 20:05
  • hsWang 2010-10-18 21:09
    lovin: HBS这么快发invitation?压力压力!
  • lovin 2010-10-18 23:15
    hsWang: 你不是还没申请吗,哪来的压力