[翻了个译] Eminem自传The Way I Am 第四章(1)

8已有 635 次阅读  2011-08-25 23:03
{翻小译:笨蛋译者啊只会上网,对技术层面那是七窍通了六窍—— 一窍不通。昨天网络断线,笨蛋译者捣鼓了半天也没弄出什么峰回路转、柳暗花明,山明水秀。然后笨蛋译者就傻眼了,更新也断线了。果然是笨蛋啊。}

第四章 非常有趣,混账东西

EVEN BEFORE I STARTED RAPPING, I WAS SNAPPING ON PEOPLE.This was back in junior high and high school. Well, 8th grade and those three real precious(倾斜) years I spent in 9th grade. I had to choose between being the class clown and being the shy kid who got the shit kicked out of him. So whenever I had a choice, it was pretty much guaranteed I was going to act the fool and start clowning. But, you know, usually you don't get to make that choice.

When I was nine years old, this kid who was a little older decided one day to just beat the living shit out of me in the bathroom at elementary school. Almost killed me. I rapped  about that in "Brain Damage," and some people think I'm making it up, but nope-- that shit really happened. My brain really was fucking bleeding out my ear. It wasn't like I was in a coma, but I was kind of blacking out and waking up off and on for a couple of days. When I finally came out of it, my first words were "I can spell elephant." I guess I felt like a Ringling Brother.
我九岁那年,一个比我稍大一点的孩子有一天突然兴起,在小学的浴室里狠狠地揍了我一顿。几乎把我打死了。我在“Brain Damage”里提到了这件事。一些人认为这是我捏造的。非也——那件事是真实发生过的。我的脑子真的TMD从耳朵里向外流血。我没有陷入深度昏迷,但接连几天我都处于醒过来又昏过去的状态。当我终于彻底清醒后,我说的第一句话是“我知道‘大象’怎么拼。”我估计我以为自己是林林家族的一员。{译者废话:“林林家族”是美国的一个马戏家族。}

   So I had to learn quickly to snap back. And, luckily, snapping on people and being snapped on is something that kind of trains you for hip-hop. It's a lot like battling. You have to be sharp: if you don't have a comeback or if you blurt out something weak or just not funny, you're going to sound like an ass. A lot of really great hip-hop is just a hot beat and guys coming up with amazing disses.

   I should be grateful. If I hadn't gotten the shit kicked out of me, I might never have started snapping, and then I might never have started rapping. I'd probably still be cooking at Gilbert's Lodge for $5.50 an hour. I mean, I basically was working there when I first met Dre. Hailie at that time was just a baby, about a year old. Do you know how many hours it takes working as a cook to earn enough money to buy a box of diapers? Four or five hours. So in the end I guess I'm not so mad about the brain damage.
   我应该心怀感激。如果我不曾被人狂扁,我可能永远也不会挑衅别人,我可能永远也不会开始说唱。我现在也许还在Gilbert’s Lodge 帮厨,每小时挣$5.50。我这么说是因为第一次遇见Dre时,我的正式工作就是在那里。Hailie那时还是个婴儿,大约一岁。你知道一个厨子要挣够买一箱尿布的钱需要工作多久吗?四到五个小时。所以到头来我猜我对脑损伤一事并不是那么生气。

   I think maybe there's this perception out there that I'm still this withdrawn, quiet guy, and that the clowning around I do in my music is a way to get around being shy. But I'm really just a normal guy. You can ask my neighbors. I ride a bike. I walk the dog. I mow my lawn. I'm out there every Sunday, talking to myself, buck naked, mowing the lawn with a chainsaw.

   The press probably gets this impression of me because in interviews I'm not always bouncing around in a fucking costume, doing voice, and acting goofy. But who the fuck is going to be cracking jokes after being asked the same damn question for the 10th year in a row? And then when you do finally say something offhand, kind of clownig around, that's the only part of the interview they end up printing. "Every morning I suck elephant cock." Then the next month you pick up the magazine and on the front cover in big letter is "Eminem: Elephant Cock Sucker!" That's a bad example, though, because, you know, every morning I do suck elephant cock. Right after I floss.

{译者废话:此乃《Brain Damage》和《Just Don't Gvie A Fuck》的现场版。}
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  • s 2011-08-26 09:03

  • thrid 2011-08-26 11:40
    s: 每周日我都在户外,自言自语,一丝不挂,拿着电锯割草。

  • s 2011-08-26 19:35
    thrid: 奔放。。。这句话要营造的应该是一种让人恐惧的效果,看来还得改改...