Document Request

Instructions: Click on the image or name of a document to view details. After carefully reviewing the product description, add it to cart and proceed to checkout. When selecting shipping, choose  “PDF attachment in email” to have your document emailed to you. If you would like a document to be shipped, choose Domestic or International shipping and enter the shipping address you want it to be shipped to. Please note some documents have shipping limitations, located in the product description.

Documents can take 3-5 business days for processing. If you need the documents as soon as possible, you need to select “Express Processing” (additional fee).

**IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to ship different documents to different locations, or want to ship some documents, pick up some documents, email some documents, etc., you must do a separate transaction for each document. If you request multiple documents using one cart/checkout transaction, they will all ship to the same place, or be picked up or emailed, whichever was selected.

*************  WARNING  *************

The SVU Server failed and svu is working on recovering the database. Some SVU documents might not be available for some students.

                  SVU Documents affected are:

  1. SVU Fee Payment History document.   ** Partial Recovery **

  2. SVU Verification of Enrollment document.  ** Partial Recovery **

  3. Syllabi  of the courses from your SVU Official Transcript.  ** Partial Recovery **

if we are not able to provide the document, SVU will refund your payment for the document.


Showing 1–10 of 11 results