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成绩单是否在申请时官方翻译-Darden MBA

在darden的官网上看到对国际学生成绩单的提交描述原文如下,为什么会读起来前后矛盾。第一句submit unofficial transcripts of your academic work online,第二句:Applicants who completed their education at a non-English-speaking institution will need to make arrangements to have their academic records translated and sent with the official transcript.非英文授课的申请人需要安排官方翻译成绩单并寄送过去。
If you upload an unofficial transcript and are offered admission, you will be required to provide official transcripts of all previous academic work. 如果你提供了 unofficial transcripts 并且取得offer,就要提供official transcripts 。
所以请问,在提交电子申请的时候,是准备unofficial transcripts就可以了吗,有格式模板吗?除非拿到offer,不然不需要寄送official transcripts?


Please submit unofficial transcripts of your academic work online by uploading an electronic scanned PDF file. Applicants who completed their education at a non-English-speaking institution will need to make arrangements to have their academic records translated and sent with the official transcript. All translations must be complete and literal versions of the original records.

If you upload an unofficial transcript and are offered admission, you will be required to provide official transcripts of all previous academic work. If there are discrepancies between the unofficial and the official transcripts, the offer of admission will be withdrawn. Offers of admission are not binding until academic records are verified. Official transcripts can be mailed to the following address:

Darden School Admissions
University of Virginia
100 Darden Boulevard
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903

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