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[申请攻略] [分享]Round 1 versus Round 2?

Chicago Booth Admissions Director Rose


It is a rainy afternoon in Chicago and I've just finished a series of catch-up meetings with my staff.  Before heading home for the evening, I  want to address one of the most common questions I hear at this time of the year -- are there any advantages to applying in Round 1 versus Round 2?  Inherent in this question are two issues -- timing versus quality.  First, you should definitely take the time to submit a quality application -- timing is certainly a secondary factor.   Quality aside, however, there are definite advantages to applying in Round 1 especially in a competitive pool.  First, you will have your decision in mid-December which will give you adequate time to react to that decision before Round 2 applications are due at other schools.  Second, Chicago GSB uses the waitlist as a way to gauge the applicant pool (since our Round 2 deadline falls after Round 1 decisions have been released), giving you an opportunity for further consideration in that round.  And finally, you have more time to make your final decision.  Round 1 admits have three full months to evaluate their final decision versus 5 weeks for Round 2 admits.  So if you feel your application is nearly complete, it might be worth your while pushing to get everything completed in time for a Round 1 submission (October 15). 

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是的  quality永远是第一位的



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