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Me: Hello sir (我当时好像没对他笑,因为过去时他看着电脑没看我)

VO: Are you ***? (说我名字)

Me: Yes. (整个对话没有叫他sir,不知道是不是这样他对我好像不怎么nice)

VO: Why your passport was issued in Tianjin? (因为我是在成都签)

Me: Because I was an undergraduate in **University. (我在学校时办的护照)

VO: Why you transfer school? (他可能以为我没毕业)

Me: No. I do not transfer school. I have graduated last year.

VO: Your diploma?


VO: what are you doing after graduation?

Me: prepare my examination and application. (是不是没做别的事他就对我印象不好了,确实在这期间我没做别的事,毕业前我就找到了工作,但几个月后是我是把工作辞了才有时间准备申请的)

VO: Why choose this school?


VO: What will you do after graduation?

Me: I will come back to China, Kunming City(这也许是败笔) and wish to be a marketing manager. (我忘了说我准备的I will seek job in multinational or nationalized company )

VO: (说了一串,好像表示不相信我会是manager也很怀疑留了学我还会想回到云南工作)

Me: I know it is not real or difficulty for me to be a director at the beginning years after I graduation. But I can accumulate my experience and relationship within several years.

VO: Why spend so much money to study in this university? This school is so expensive.

Me: 说了一串(貌似我说成了回国的必要性)

VO: (不高兴了)can you understand my words? 你为什么花这么多钱去读书?(他突然来句中文,我就开始急了)

Me: this field is my real interest and I have priority and advantage when I seek job compare other candidates because I have this valuable abroad study experience.

VO: (似乎对我这个回答他满意了,接着就让我给他看bank statement)

Me: (我给他了)

VO: what do your parents do?

Me: (说了一串)

VO: (要了我的父母工作证明)

Me: (事实上到这一步我已经放心了,因为他没有再纠缠的回国的问题,但万万没想到他退出我的资金材料)

VO: I am sorry I can not give you visa because I do not think your family can afford your cost.

Me: (我之前最不担心的就是资金问题,因为父母工作都很稳定,又是国家公务员里的小领导,没想到他会因为这个拒绝我,我急了说有房产,车子和存折,问他要看不)

VO: (他说看.看完照样拒我,最后一句话是) you need scholarship. This university is so expensive. (我的学校是Loyola University Chicago, tuition fee is 20,000 dollars and living cost is 13,000 dollars per year)

Me: My father and my mother works over 30 years. They have the adequate saving. Both of them are government officials. (也许government officials不应该提对么?美国的government officials和中国不一样). One of admitted school gives me the scholarship but I reject it because it’s ranking. It’s real. (这时我已经很激动,声调中已经露出不满了)

VO: you need scholarship. (接着叫下一个人的名字,不理我)


我没想到会因为资金被拒, 家里资金够不够我读书我和我的父母都很清楚.如果没有足够资金我怎么可能花近一年时间准备申请.想准备再签一次,但感觉好疲惫.在资金上我还应该怎么改进呢?实在很累.5月就开学.



1.       对于为什么花这么多钱读书,回来能做什么回答不好,以致纠缠很久.2个问题要重新准备.

2.       VO认为我资金不够可能有

(1)    父母的工作证明上每年的收入并不是很多,所以VO看是感觉不够.(但中国人都知道公务员待遇是很好的,而且又是工作了几十年了.只是并不完全体现在工资证明上,这里我该怎么改进阿?)

(2)    学校给我发的I-20上资助钱数只有3,9000, VO一看一年需要费用是3,3000,觉得我提供的资金少了.(因为我给他看我存款证明时我感觉VO也没帮我把存款证上的RMB换算成USD.当时给学校寄的存款证明RMB不止3,9000USD的,不知道为什么学校要换算少了.我是不是把I-20寄回去让学校从此新给我写资金数?


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