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 一个人最大的敌人就是自己!很多人还没有意识到这个问题,仍在自身以外寻找原因。    既然自己就是最大的敌人,那么如何去战胜自己呢?如何去实现你所“急需”的改变呢?
    Choose a small daily habit to stick with for each day of May.
    Remember, it must be small!
    If you choose something hard, you are much less likely to be successful.
    Do something small
    — flossing your teeth,
    putting your clothes away when you take them off,
    walking for 20 minutes,
    anything really,
    as long as it isn’t that difficult.
    Choose something you know you will succeed at …
    and then you can build it up with a slightly more difficult habit next month.
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