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今天的面试,题目不少,但大多简单, why MBA, why now; 最大的achievement; 工作/course最大的困难; 最tough的experience; 用三个词说说你同事对你的评价; 工作中你最开心的时候; 你课外的活动; 是哪些因素使你的peronality发展到今天的状况; michigan的哪些clubs或活动对你有吸引力;

不过快结束的时候来了个比较麻烦的---假设你现在站在讲台上, 面对michigan admin committees, 除了你resume里面的内容,你准备用什么理由说服他们录取你? 我当时想了大概
半分钟吧, (面试人北美的,很kind, 会给你时间考虑一下), 说得理由是 "my ambitions....."

全部大概30~45分钟吧,我们语速都比较快. 呵呵,原来以为自己的口语应该还不错,因为经常做presentation和workshops,所以没怎么准备,结果一说起来,就发现语法错误简直太多了, 兄弟姐妹们还是有所准备的好.



Ross 面试经验


1. Walk me through your resume.

2. Why MBA, why now.

3.Career goal

4. Why Ross

5. How can you contribute to other students.

6.leadership experience

7. conflicts you have dealt with

8. Clubs you are interested in.

9. Questions for him.

面试官说Ross has very big Chinese community. 中国人之间很团结,常有一些活动,互相很帮忙,他知道有的妈妈学生孩子没人管的时候都有人帮忙照顾。跟我了解到的情况差不多。



Ross Phone Interview

Just finished it half an hour ago with an admissions staff.

All questions are general:

1. Career goals

2. Why MBA

3. Why Ross

4. Leadership experience

5. Impact of career change

6. Clubs interested in

At the beginning, she didn't ask me to go through my resume. Instead, she summarized my career development.

She also asked about some details of my community service experiences shown on resume.

Good luck to all you guys!






第一个问题career goal, why mba,why school我就开始读,他一下子就听出来了,然后说你不要读,我们只是聊聊而已,这一聊,聊到天边去了

第二个问题问我的leadership 的例子


然后问我喜欢ross的什么team,  我说我喜欢real estate club, 然后blabla 说了一堆,她听着居然不过瘾,还问我喜欢别的club么?我说我喜欢运动,想建立一个花样溜冰的club,她说不错,说ann arbor这里冬天很冷适合溜冰,然后问我了解ann arbor 和michigan么?我当即晕倒,还好在网上看见过说 ann是一个女子的名字,然后blabla说了一下之后他就问我喜不喜欢其它的sports 比如说球类运动,我说我很少看球类运动然后他问我有没有什么问题问他,我觉得明显是觉得我不行,想草草完事,我问了两个问题,他也草草的回答了,然后他说没什么问题我们就say goodbye吧,我一看表,才20分钟!



Ross telephone interview

今天半夜12点,打过去是一个非常nice得associate director of balabala什么人。问题非常简单,而且是一开始就告诉你她会问什么,基本上就是go through了一下简历。

1)why mba, career goal, why ross,什么club什么活动感兴趣。。。

2) why change job (我跳了很多次,,,)

3) 根据简历上的经历,问了一个有关的leadership例子,以及怎样解决conflicts。。。埃,可惜说道这里我没有来得及翻到准备好的例子,于是开始语无伦次,,(找棵树撞死算了:-()

4)然后就她开始发挥了,说ross如何提供找工作服务,ann arbor如何生活好,比她以前的chicago好,,,











5。why mba

6。why michigan







MBA interview with Michigan

上周五与UMBS(University of Michigan Business School)进行了校友面试,过程如下:


然后面试正式开始,面试官用及其流利的英语作自我介绍以及面试流程介绍。他95年毕业于清华,现在HP作sales,然后去big 5作consulting,99年被UMBS MBA program录取,2001年毕业,然后进入某NASDAQ上市公司的Director of Corporate Marketing and Strategic Planning. 以下是问题和我的回答。

Interviewer: introduce yourself briefly.
Me: First briefly introduced my work experience and education background; then described my short-term career goal and long-term career goal, and explained why I chose UMBS and why I applied for it at present; and last explained my unique background would make a contribution to the diversity of b-school.

Interviewer: describe a failure or setback you have experienced. First, briefly describe the situation; then tell what you have learned from this experience; and last explain why it is important for you.
Me: I described a failure I experienced during start-up. Actually I had well prepared for this question, so it was easy for me to answer it.

Interviewer: now, let’s begin to talk with people. How do you communicate with people and motivate them, especially engineers and sales.
Me: I first talked about how to motivate engineers, because I have a great deal of experience in this. Then I told the interviewer that I had less experience in motivating sales.

Interviewer: then you mean you didn’t communicate with sales.
Me: No, actually I spend a lot of communicating with sales, because there are often conflicts between sales and other departments.

Interviewer: then tell me how you deal with such conflicts?
Me: I found sales were apt to conflict with R&D. there are mainly two reasons. First, R&D don’t really understand market requirements, and design software which can not meet customers’ requirements. Second, sales sometimes don’t well understand our products, and spend no time studying our product manual. For the first case, I’ll use my personal setback in the past to persuade R&D to respect customers; for the second case, I’ll try to promote the collaboration between sales and R&D. R&D will give sales training about our products, also they sometimes will compose product manual collectively.

Interviewer: why don’t you want to work for two more years before applying for MBA? Why you need an MBA program now? Why UMBS is your first choice?
Me: I chose UMBS for three reasons: first, I want to broaden my skills and knowledge comprehensively, including corporate finance, corporate strategy, corporate accounting, and operation management. UMBS ranks above top10 in all these fields; second, I like the climate of Ann Arbor; third, Ann Arbor is the national performance art center of USA, and I like its yearly classical music performance and film festival.

Interviewer: how many shares do you have in your start-up company?
Me: y%. Actually we experienced two rounds of raising funding. My shares were diluted from the original x% to current y%. I raised both rounds of funding from the same China’s traditional investor XXX. I think my experience in dealing with China’s traditional investors and my lessons in raising funding will definitely be colorful cases in the school’s discussion classes.

Interviewer: If you leave you company to study abroad, will you lose your shares in the company?
Me: It’s an interesting question and also a hard question for me to answer.(tacitly agreed)

Interviewer: Then why do you want to give up your shares to pursue an MBA program?
Me: compared with my long-term career goal, the shares mean nothing. First, if I stick to the company, over which I have lost control, I won’t have any opportunity to develop it into huge size, because large shareholder is too conservative in raising funding; second, I urgently need advanced management skills and specialty knowledge of corporate finance, corporate strategy and
corporate accounting, I can systematically learn all these only in b-school; third, in terms of my long-term career goal, I can easily start up another IT business and develop it into huge size if I graduate from top b-schools of America.

Interviewer: ok, I have finished my questions. Do you have any question to ask about UMBS?
Me: I have prepared two questions. The first, I know XXX institute provides a lot of electives, as well as IMAP project for MBA students. I wonder if it provides or will provide any opportunity for MBA students to take part in specific research, especially those updated, cutting-edge researches?

Interviewer: definitely. …..
Me: I read from your brochure that Berlin Philharmonic will come to Ann Arbor every year. I wonder if it will really come there and give performance every year. Because I like classical music and Berlin Philharmonic is the orchestra I like most; besides, I want to know how long the Ann Arbor Film Festival will last each year. Because I also like movie very much.

Interviewer: ….
Me: thanks a lot for your detailed information about my questions.

我想可能这又是一个问题,因为我的full time work experience和PhD education 重叠。我说虽然有宿舍,但是我已经在北京成家了,所以不回去。另外,你知道,清华的研究生课程其实不需要花费太多时间,特别是我们计算机系比你们电子工程科研任务还要宽松很多。我这么回答是要打消他对于我full time WE 的疑问。其实这是我最担心的问题,在最后临走时,终于说出来了。后来回来给面试官写了一封感谢信,着重解释了一下my lack of experience in dealing with sales 和the raising funding of the start-up. 他回信说:you did well in the interview. And the questions are to test your skills to deal with conflicts. 前半句是套话,不过看了后半句我还是挺高兴,因为在回答how to deal with conflicts between sales and R&D时,我自我感觉回答还可以。这个问题我没有准备,完全是现场根据以前的经历回答的。

我仔细回忆面试官整个过程中没有specially care about something in my resume. 想想好歹是清华校友,也许有些照顾吧。反正面试效果还不错,准备认真申请UMBS了。



Michigan 的一点面试感受

昨天早上在MICHIGAN 进行的面试,这之前本来是很紧张的,而且我准备得也并不好,因为申请起步得很晚,所以十分紧张。之前还向JEREMY 请教了一些问题,得到了很大的启发,在此特表感谢!下面是我的一些面试感受,希望能对后来者有所帮助:

我的面试是由一个年轻的美国女孩,她告诉我自己是admission office的工作人员,不是学生,但我说你看上去太年轻,我真的以为你是学生呢,她比较得意。然后就问了一些十分中规中举的问题,

1. why MBA and why MIchigan?

2. tell me something about yourself

3. what clubs or other organizations are you interested in Michigan?

4. some experiences that can show your leadership and team spirit.

5. if you are admitted, what you can contribute to MIchigan?









Ross也没有动静 [em04]



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