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我是1/8考的,700出头,M比较好,V比平常差了点,为什么会差,请看一下教训。如果你是第一次考Gmat, 请注意一下,不要犯我这种低级错误。。。




1. AA

The following appeared as part of a plan proposed by an executive of the Easy Credit Company to the president:
“The Easy Credit Company would gain an advantage over competing credit card services if we were to donate a
portion of the proceeds from the use of our cards to a well-known environmental organization in exchange for the use
of its symbol or logo on our card. Since a recent poll shows that a large percentage of the public is concerned about
environmental issues, this policy would attract new customers, increase use among existing customers, and enable
us to charge interest rates that are higher than the lowest ones available.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.

2. AI

“As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for
those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with specific
reasons and/or examples drawn from your reading, your observations, or your own experience.


1.DS: x,y正整数,问P^xy个位是不是1?

1)P^x 个位是1

2)P^y 个位是1


2. software 共有y种,computer game software 占15%(数字不确切), computer game software 中educational computer software占20%(数字不确切),问edu com software 占多少。


3. list:S1, S2,...Sn, 问哪个条件list至少有一个是奇数?



刚想起来,2)list 的sum是奇数

4. 一条直线L1过(0, 7) (数字不确定,反正在y正半轴),还过一个点,在X负半轴,L2和它相交吗?

1) 给一个L2方程, 是可以推出相交的,好像是y=(-3/5)x+6

2) L2 的斜率是-3/5


5. 圆形和正方形面积相等,问周长比是多少?圆/正方形


求2(pai)R/4a, 代入可得解

6. 有一道关于方差的DS题,问最大的数会是多少。题目记不得了,不过提醒大家把标准方差的公式背一下,看到了这题的话不要被吓倒,把公式列出来,average用一个字母代,最后可以得到一个结果是(s1-A)^2+(s2-A)^2+...+(sn-A)^2=0,于是可得sn是多少,题目会告诉s1为10。



2)standard deviation=0

7. 有道题目很怪,我估计是测试的题目:[x]为x的大于等于x的最小整数,问下面哪个选项符合[x]=0?是must be true

选项有A.x=0, 另外四个是不等式,bcd很好排除,e是-1<x<=0,我感觉A和E都是成立的,但因为是must be true, 而e成立的话a必然成立,所以想了半天还是选了A

8. 后面有道题,某个人每个月take home 的money 20%用在什么上面了,剩下中的30%用在了B上面,他take home 了2000元,问有多少钱用在B上面


最后的一题是:x^2+2x-5=y^2-5y+7 (数字皆不确定,不过这是二元二次方程),问以下关于Y哪个选项must be true?

A. y is not negative number

B. y is even number


具体选项无法回忆,但是最后可推出x(x+1)=y^2-6,所以Y必然是even number




1) x^2+x-6=0 (可能是这个方程,最终能得出x=2 or x=-3)

2) x^4=16


SC 遇到一题:

Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.c




  1. Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is

  2. Marconi conceived of the radio as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, but which is

  3. Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could substitute for the telephone; instead, it has become

  4. Marconi conceived of the radio to be a tool for private conversation, a substitute for the telephone, which has become

  5. Marconi conceived of the radio to be a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, other than what it is,


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