数学!!哎~~估计因为数学而要重考的论坛上偶是第一个吧~~数学才考了可怜的38~~天哪,太丢中国人的脸了~~ 轻视了数学,最后一个礼拜才开始研究数学 ,可是已经来不及了,发现错误率极高,模考每次都来不及做完,正常人应该都有剩时间的。。。考试的结束的时候还有六题空着,最后几题估计也错很多,因为时间来不及,有点紧张,题目都看不进去,头脑一片混乱啊~~~~~汗~难道我天生就没学数学的细胞。数学基础不好,又选择了个错误的考试时间--月初~~只碰到两三题前人的JJ,郁闷呐~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SO,数学部分JJ就不说了,说了也是误导大家~~,题目都记不清了,太受打击了~ 语文部分不好不坏,还算正常。碰到两题GMATPREP语法原题~一题GMATPREP逻辑原题。模考的时候遇到的,语法部分GMATPREP没有全部看完,所以不太记得另一题具体是什么,就记得模考的时候碰见。阅读看完就忘了,记性不好~,PF那些记得很清楚的N人。阅读不是很难,只要定位准确一般都可以找到答案。遇到一篇生物讲rRNA的,超多生词。看得头晕~~ 考试时候遇到的原题 73. With no natural predators and expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that allow no hunting, wildlife officials estimate the New Jersey deer population to have grown to exceed 175,000
A. With no natural predators and expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that allow no hunting, wildlife officials estimate the New Jersey deer population to have B. With no natural predators and with expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that do not allow hunting, wildlife officials' estimate of the deer population in New Jersey has C. With no natural predators and with expanses of green suburban neighborhoods where there is no hunting, the deer population in New Jersey, wildlife officials estimate, has D. Without natural predators and no hunting allowed in expanse of green suburban neighborhoods, New Jersey has a deer population that wildlife officials estimate to have E. Without natural predators and with expanses of green neighborhoods where there is no hunting, wildlife officials in New Jersey estimate a deer population that has A: with no A and B,B的表达有歧义不知道是否和no平行;officials做主语和with不搭配
B: officials做主语和with不搭配; estimate has grown 逻辑不通
C: correct D: New Jersey做主语和with不搭配
E: officials做主语和with不搭配
1、 estimate to be/have sth. 2、 从主句的主语判断,只有一个答案符合
作文部分:AI 21. “Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service. Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high levels of productivity.”“工作保险和工资应该建立在雇员绩效的基础上而非工作年限上。主要根据工作年限奖励员工不利于人们保持高水平的生产力。”
AA 105 The following appeared in an editorial from a newspaper serving the town of Saluda. “The Saluda Consolidated High School offers over 200 different courses from which its students can choose. A much smaller private school down the street offers a basic curriculum of only 80 different courses, but it consistently sends a higher proportion of its graduating seniors on to college than Consolidated does. By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and also save many tax dollars.” Saluda镇的报纸的编者按: Saluda统一高中提过超过200中不同的课程供它的学生选择。路那头一所小的多的私立学校提供80种基本的课程,但是它的毕业生升入大学的比例始终比统一高中要高。去除至少一半的课程而着眼于基本课程,我们可以改善统一高中学生的表现并省下税收收入。
AA前面有个MM考过,偶是看了她的帖子才去看这个题目的,看来AWA JJ也是蛮管用的,AA的题目才看了几个,就碰到一个~ |