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[转帖]北美一战750 JJ感谢牢骚一大堆

北美一战750 JJ感谢牢骚一大

            看到分数的一霎那,说真的,难掩失望。紫草前辈一直是我的偶像。从六月份开始复习,本来预定十月份考,但推迟了两次,目的就是要追求前辈炉火纯青的境界。考前一天,模了一次,V48,有点沾沾自喜,以为胜利在望。不料晚上上床后脑袋天马行空,不知在胡思乱想什么,竟然一夜无眠。天亮后猛拍脑袋,后悔不叠。半夜时应该起来吃点Tylenol呀。但后悔归后悔,箭在弦上,只能硬着头皮提枪上阵了。出发前猛塞了一个BigMAC,并喝下一杯三个茶包冲成的浓茶,还顺便买了平生的第一罐红牛。即便如此,考试时还是晕陀陀(粤语意指头昏脑胀)。写完AWA 出来后去厕所回来,错把自己Locker的钥匙当成厕所的还给工作人员。到考完Math后第二次break,再次去厕所,竟又把Locker的钥匙去开厕所。打不开时才醒过来。唉。。。



If the larger of two numbers is greater than 5 times the smaller of the two numbers, the smaller is less than 4?

1) The larger is greater than 55

2) The greater is less than 65

My answer E

            关于VerbSC没什么可说,它是我的强项,所以考试时几乎横扫。脑袋不灵光是事实,不过SC 是套路问题,所以闭着眼睛也能做对。


For many revisionist historians, Christopher Columbus has come to personify devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.

A.     devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere

B.     devastation and enslavement in the name of progress by which native peoples of the Western Hemisphere decimated

C.     devastating and enslaving in the name of progress those native peoples of the Western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated.

D.     devastating and enslaving those native peoples of the western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated.

E.      the devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that have decimated the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.

My answer E



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