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二进宫:49 25 630 感觉VERBAL真的容易了.OG的SC超有用, 有很多考which 和 Ving区别的题 .RC思路差不多.前几题都是改错.阅读出现的比较后前10题中只有一篇, 15题出现第二篇,接着又是阅读,THAT MEANS 10-20有两篇,我和我朋友都是. AA: 12, 40 AI: 75, 81 我们正在努力写JJ,等会补上. 我的数学: 1. S数列是100到200所有数的乘积INCLUDING,T是数列100到201所有数的乘积.1/s+1/T 用t表示? 202/t 2. J行有35个盒子K行有34个,J的所有盒子比J的轻,问median多重? a.J中最重的是多少斤 b.K中最轻的是多少斤 选A 3.R1, R2, R3比大小. R(n+1)-R(n)=(-1)^n/n [确认]:R1>R3>R2 4.一个园直径落在(0, -2 ) (0, 4)上问面积? 9PI 5. 5^17x4^9=? 2X10^17 6.Circle C satisfy a^2 + b^2 = 10, a, b on circle C. How many points of (a,b) can be on the circle? a, b are integer. Answer 8 7.is 4a^2 - b^2 the product of two consecutive odd number? A. 好像推出A是偶数什么的,肯定不是正确答案 B. b=1 选B 8.A 卖出比COST多20%. B卖出比COST少20%, 告诉B COST是多少 A COST是多少,B>A 问赚了还是亏了百分之多少? 9.一段路x%用40mph,剩下的用60mph.问平均速度. 12000/(200+x) 10.OLD JJ 一段路40%用多少mph(忘了),剩下的用50mph求平均速度. 11.old jj 相片和框架,如果border 是1inch框的面积是M,如果是2inch面积是M+52求相片的周长? 40 12.标准方差是多少? a. 数列中所有的数都一样 b.每个数相差0 选D 13.有图,一数轴,有一点在-4 和 -3之间,问可能是几? - 10^1/2 14.old jj一国家收税,比例为50mil per dollar on the value, 1mil is 1/10 of 1 percent of the revenue, 问对7500dollar收多少税?375dallor feny's Math: 1. (4+4+4)^1/2 2. a cylinder with diameter 2 m filled with water until 8 m high. A leakage causes the water run out until 6,5 m. Question value of the leakage. 3. ?M>N? A) M/N>1; 2) (M-N)/N>(M-N)/M; ???E; 4. ???????1milli=0.1centimeter,?????14520millimeter,??centimeter??? [??]?1452 5. X is greater than Y? 1)x/6 是整数 2)y/4是整数 ???E [??]?E 5. which is the biggest? a.r > t b. p>s I choose E? 6. 1993-1994 increase 20% and 1994-1995 increase 25% and in the 1995 there is 7.5 M how is in the 1993 answer 5 ----(7.5/1.25)/1.2 7. mean X and median Y which one is higher? From condition a you will now X From Condition b you will know the Y. so I choose C. (sorry I forgot the number.) 8. there are 6 person: a,b,c,d,e,f how many combination if a and b side by side. 9. 400<= n <= 500 where (n-1)(n+4)/(n+4)(n+1) question n??? 10. An=2*A(n-1)-x, A5=27,A3=9??x? [??]?3 Verbal: SC ..many sentence asking ing/which RC ..GDP, something deal with women ( 2 articles) CR ..many sentences are not so difficult to understand and present to complete the article. 还有,明天继续写!我先睡觉先!
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