因为上海考场订不到位子了,只好去南京考.分数虽然不算高,但我已经很满意了.在回上海的火车上, 我及时写了jj, 可是我记住的题目太少了,希望大家不要失望. AWA: AA: 47. The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper. “The owners of the Cumquat Café evidently made a good business decision in moving to a new location, as can be seen from the fact that the Café will soon celebrate its second anniversary there. Moreover, it appears that businesses are not likely to succeed at the old location: since the Café’s move, three different businesses — a tanning salon, an antique emporium, and a pet-grooming shop — have occupied its former spot.” AI: 62. “What education fails to teach us is to see the human community as one. Rather than focus on the unique differences that separate one nation from another, education should focus on the similarities among all people and places on Earth.” Math:1. DS: 是否|a-b|〉|a+b|? (1) ab<o (2) a>b 答案:A 2.DS:已知a>b,问b是否>0? (1) a+b>0 (2) ab>0 答案:C 3. 好象是一个人的工钱(也可能是别的东东),和数量和时间成正比,问:10个东东,6小时花多少钱? (1) 1个,3小时花$2.40 (2) 6个,4小时花$18.00(数字记不清了) 答案:D GPrep里有相似的题。 4. 12月jj63题: 整 个图是一个矩形,由不同的正方形组成,图比较难画,所以我只画了其中的主要三个,剩下的都是正方形,大家可以想.已知红色部分面积为81,绿色的为64, 求蓝色部分的面积是多少.我选了一个15平方的答案(c),但是觉得答案应该比这个大,之后DE的数字不能凑成平方都是三百多,一个尾数是1.另一个尾数 是6,我觉得如果是18的平方应该最像答案,可是没有这个选项(供大家参考) ` 我也遇到了这题,我觉得很难,当时是我的30题,还剩下半个多小时, 所以我就花了很长时间,但还没有作出来,实在看不出要求的这个正方形和已知的两个正方形有什么关系。外面是矩形,长宽又不知,怎么求?原jj记得没问题,只是我的D,E选项分别是18平方和19平方,我就猜了19平方,361。整个考试最拿不准的就是这题了。 其他的都很简单,我的最后一道题居然是80(80-1)-79=79平方那题,心里有点凉。 RC: 那篇关于wasp的,我记得好象是去年11月jj里有,大家找找吧。短文章,两段,第一段说以前的研究以为在黄蜂社会里,地位较高的黄蜂(higher subordinate) 比地位较低的黄蜂更易与queen 发生矛盾, higher subordinate之间也更易发生矛盾,正是这个原因导致了地位较高的黄蜂比地位较低的黄蜂更易出走。第二段一个人说,不是这样的, 它们出走是因为:黄蜂的本领和它的size有关,地位高的黄蜂一般size也大一些,它们到别人那比较容易当queen。问题:下面哪个现象可以削弱第一段的观点,我选的是地位低的黄蜂比地位高的黄蜂和queen发生的矛盾更多。 有一篇好像是老jj,说是大黄蜂的内部组织的,可是我也没看懂。555555555
第一篇 共(40)行 是說一種蜂(paper wasp),其社會階級與會不會被趕走有無關聯 第一段說 蜂的社會裏是有社會階級的,從最高的蜂后接下來是第二高階的雌蜂 subordinate,然後是第三、第四….到最低的工蜂(越高的長的越大隻)。 然後是舊觀點出現,說在這個蜂巢發展到一定程度後,第二階以下的蜂會因為『功高震主』。有趣是出走的順序還是依照第二然後是第三依此排序來離開的。還說離開時,蜂巢裏會有排擠,爭吵的情型出現。 第二段開始找了個人來說個新觀點反對舊觀點。 這個人說,根據新的觀察,發現其實在高位蜂出走前,蜂巢內並沒有說會發生特別高頻的爭吵。還說,其實高位蜂出走不是因為功高震主,其實是因為,高位蜂們看到蜂巢內的資源不足,蜂數也太多了,才是出走的主要原因。 還說,高位蜂在出走後一旦到別人的地盤時,反而會進行篡位,把原來的蜂后拉下來。 題目: 一.主題題 二.問說下列中那項是後來那個唱反調的人會支持的選項? 我選了,高位蜂會到別人家去撒野,奪權!! Dominance hierarchy system Morphologically, there is little difference between the foundress and subordinate reproductive members of the colony. However, several studies have shown that behavioural differentiation occurs (Theraulaz 1992, Pardi 1942), the role the individual female taking determined by social interaction within the colony. Typically, the alpha female dominates all other individuals of a colony, and this female lays the majority of eggs, and partakes in differential oophagy. The alpha female devotes much of her time to social interaction, in comparison to subordinates that are much more involved in foraging and brood care (Theraulaz 1989). These behavioural divisions are not permanent; if an alpha female is removed from a nest then another female (usually the second-most dominant, beta female) assumes the role and behavioural profile of the removed dominant. Indeed, individuals alternate between different profiles of behaviour within their own dominance rank position. Some studies (Pardi 1946) seem to indicate that the dominant female, through its behaviour, suppresses the ovarian development of subordinates. Abdominal wagging is thought to serve as a dominance signal between dominant foundresses and subordinates, but studies by Roseler and Roseler (1989) showed that ovariectomiszed dominants failed to restrict subordinate reproduction whilst still retaining dominance. 黄蜂里的等级地位什么的
有个阅读是讲的黄蜂,考察为什么黄蜂的次母体,就是除了Queen之外也生小孩的那些母黄蜂为什么会消失,对比了两种解释,有in order to的题目。
1.解释: 今年,公司都report说他们给员工的wage比去年少了40%, 但政府却report说大家交的个人所得税并没有减少,解释这个矛盾: A. many people 做一些service 以及sell 通过inform渠道。 C. 现在公司可以给员工一些unwage的payment. 我当时选的是C,现在想想好象有点问题。 2.指出逻辑错误: 老师发现学生中和别人关系差的学习也差,所以应该教育学生改善和别人的关系来提高学习成绩。 我的答案:ignore一种可能:因为学习差导致和别人关系差。 |