help! what are the numbers for AWA part ? (hurry)
Hi, pls help! Thanks first!
Question: what are those numbers of AWA listed in JJ?
For example. for JJ from 4/14/2003 ---4/20/2003 the AWA numbers are:
AI: 60,31,132,45 AA: 68, 13,72,31
I got the red cover book( author: sun yuan) from BeiJing New oriental school on Oct,2002. But, My god! I compare your listed numbers with your listed contents on my book. In my book, according to your listed content, the AA is: 10, 30, 72, 14. the AI is: 40, 132, 65. I still can not figure out the last one: whether the org should listen to advise for external or not. what is the corresponding number? Help! Help!
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