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another lsat

23. S: People who are old enough to fight for their country are old enough to vote for the people who make decisions about war and peace. This government clearly regards 17 year olds as old enough to fight, so it should acknowledge their right to vote. T: Your argument is a good one only to the extent that fighting and voting are the same kind of activity. Fighting well requires strength. Muscular coordination and in a modern army instant and automatic response to orders. Performed responsibly, voting, unlike fighting is essentially a deliberative activity requiring reasoning power and knowledge of both history and human nature.

T responds to S's argument by

(A) citing evidence overlooked S that would have supported S's conclusion

(B) calling into question S's understanding of the concept of rights

(C) showing that S has ignored the distinction between having an obligation to do that thing

(D) challenging-the truth of a claim on which S's conclusion is based

(E) arguing for a conclusion opposite to the one drawn by S

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我觉得这题T主要是削弱了S的前提条件,在读题时可以感觉的到。IF ONLY。打掉前提任何的结论都不能推出。D是你选的答案?这个答案是对的。


D 正确

B 的问题是" the concept of rights" 而S只是提到了两个activity而已

E: T 并没有提出自己的观点




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