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2. Recently, reviewers of patent applications decided against granting a patent to a university for a genetically engineered mouse developed for laboratory use in studying cancer. The reviewers argued that the mouse was a new variety of animal and that rules governing the granting of patents specifically disallow patents for new animal varieties.

Which one of the following if true most weakens the patent reviewers argument?

(A) The restrictions the patent reviewers cited pertain only to domesticated farm animals.

(B) The university's application for a patent for the genetically engineered mouse was the first such patent application made by the university

(C) The patent reviewers had reached the same decision on all previous patent requests for new animal varieties.

(D) The patent reviewers had in the past approved patents for genetically engineered plant varieties.

(E) The patent reviewers had previously decided against granting patents for new animal varieties that were developed through conventional breeding programs rather than through genetic engineering.

my question:if there is not choice a,choice e is ok?
i think choice e can also weaken the conclusion.is it true?[em08][em08]
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