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Phone Interview

Recently I received a lot of rejective letters from Business School. I am a little frustrated. Next week I" ll have a phone interview with Washington University at St. Louis. Have anyone got phone interview from the school? If so, please tell some questions and tips. I am so worried about it. Thank you so much.
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Dear MM.pls don't give up and hold on !!!!Is there anyone knows about the questions of phone Interview?

good luck!


the questions I met were all the traditional ones, such as why MBA?why my school? why at this time?。。。。


我找个朋友问了一下,已经一年了,他记得不是很清楚,他说我做那个那个电话面试问题总结里面应该都包括了 (你看前面的贴子。)


Mr. Michael, you are such a helpful person. This year, the admissions to MBA program are quiet competitive. I am still waitting the decision letter. I just hope I have the luck your friend had. Thank you for your generous help.



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