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Need your help!

1. In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is that (the cars'potential energy, gained through their being lifted by a chain drive) through the Earth's gravity to the top of the first drop, has been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends.

B.cars' potential enerygy, a gain achieved as they are lifted by a chain drive
D. potential energy of the cars, gained as a chain drive lifts them
Key is D.Why not B?

2.The record of the past is always incomplete,and (the historian who writes about it inevitably reflects) the preoccupations of their own time.
C. a historian writing about it inevitably reflects
E. historians in writing about it inevitable reflect
Key is E, why not C?

Did 3 sections of SC, the best is 6 out of 27 questions, the worst is 11 out of 27. Really frustrated!

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Never lose confidence on yourself!

1 the key point is " potential energy" 是非人的东东, 所以最好用 a of b 结构; "a gain " 在这里显然不能作为cars' potential enerygy 的同位语

2 我对E 的inevitable 深表不解???



I agree with you for the #1.

Regarding #2, perhaps the key is wrong. It definately has to use inevitably, adv.to modify the verb.

Thanks anyway.
Never lose confidence on yourself!


I think the Key must be:  historians in writing about it inevitably reflect

In C " a historian" cannot be referred to " their"




Oh yeah.  Pronoun!  Cool.  Useful tools.  I always forgot to consider it as well as agreement.



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