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40. GWD31-40

A shortage of orders for Manto Aircraft’s airliners has led analysts to predict that ]

the manufacturer will have to lay workers ,the new order that consolidated

airlines has just made for 20 of Manto’s model TX jets does not provide a reason

for the analysts to revise their predictions ,because simultaneously with its new

order , consolidated canceled its existing order for an equal number of manto’s

larger, more expensive model Z uets



which of the following ,if true, most seriously weakens the argument?



1)      Manto relies more heavily on outside subcontractors to provide the labor to

manufacture the Model Z than it does the Model TX

2)      The Manto employees who currently work to manufacture the model Z are

Not proficient at manufacturing the model TX

3)      Manto includes all required maintenance work for the first five years in the

price of each jet it sells .

4)      Manto has had to lay off workers several times within the past ten years but

has typically rehired many of the workers when it subsequently received new orders

5)      A large number of the airliners in consolidated is fleet are at the beginning of

their expected service life


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why A, please?




A is great to weaken the conculsion that although there are big orders for TX ,analysts won't revise their predictions due to consolidated canceled existing order for an equal number of manto’s larger, more expensive model Z jets.A says M has a lot subcontractors who will provide workers to do the jobs so there will be unnecessary to lay workers since workers do not belong to M any more.



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