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[转帖]北美11月22日,710(Q50, V36)awa+math+RC JJ



AA:  a coffee company A wants to introduce a new brand of coffee. Since the coffee is an expensive food item and there are many coffee brands in the market. The best way to introduce the new coffee brand for A company is to do what Superior company did when Superior introduced its newest coffee brand. That is to offer free samples, promotions and discount coupons.

AI:   The most effective way for the managers is to divide the complex tasks into the simpler component parts. Each worker completes the small component parts and contributes to the task.






       1. DS:一个3位正整数,各位数字之积为54,问能否确定其个位数

1  这个数大于950

2  这个数各位数之和是16

       2.  12345 11 x, x>=4?

       3.  1,2,3,……99, even number 的和

       4line l 过(n, 0n>0? 1) line l passes (x1, y1), x1<0, y1>0 2) line l passes (x2, y2) x2>0, y2>0

       5, wxyz<0, which one >0? Xy>0



Verbal,  RC: 黑人加入工会的那个

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