15. PS: 1. if K is common multiple of75, 98 ,140, which of the following must be true?
Ⅰ. K is a multiple of 9
Ⅱ. K is a multiple of 49
Ⅲ. K is greater than 14000
76.if x is in the line, then -x is in the line. is 12 in the line?
I. -2 is in the line
II. -3 is in the line
ans: C
30. 【旧机经】sequence: 102, 108, 114,……………An=A(n-3)+18, which can be in the sequence?(594)
【确定】594 (3次)
思路:由 102=A(n-3)+18,108=A(n+1-3)+18解出A=6,
要求某数是否在此sequence就是将某数作为An代入An=A(n-3)+18看 n是否为整数。