上午10点场,刚刚考完,670,惨败而归。明年二战! 考场离住处很近,开车5分钟。我9:15就到了,9:30开考。考Gmat的就我一个人,单间。考官态度很好。 AWA不难,AA我写了5段;issue是练习过的。Q,不难,提前10分钟作完,太快了,50。V, 那个惨啊,30。做的时候觉得挺顺利的,还很开心,时间正好,剩余1分钟。估计至少720。失望~~ 下面是一点JJ: AA: 108. The following appeared as part of a business plan created by the management of the Take Heart Fitness Center. “After opening the new swimming pool early last summer, Take Heart saw a 12 percent increase in the use of the center by members. Therefore, in order to increase the number of our members and thus our revenues, which depend on membership fees, we should continue to add new recreational facilities in subsequent years: for example, a multipurpose game room, a tennis court, and a miniature golf course. Being the only center in the area offering this range of activities would give us a competitive advantage in the health and recreation market.” AI: 2. “It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. Quantitative: - 坐标系中M,N,P三点,给坐标,正好是直角三角形,3,4,5。求路程MN-NP 比MP远多少。
- 5辆车,3个红色除了颜色以外没差别,1蓝色,1白色,一个停车场,问有多少排法
- 10元购物券,普通油1.22$/gallon, 高质油1.32$/gallon, 问加普通油比加高质油多多少
- 330是n个正整数乘积的一个factor, 问最小n是多少
- 5^17x4^9变形, 答案中有2x10^17
- 7^520个位数是几?
- 99,999^2-1变形,10^5(10^5-2)
- a/b+b/a=2,
推出。。。选a+b=0 - DS: 从家到海滩,240mile(1mile=1.6km),问开车是否超过3小时〉1,平均速度少于62km/h,2〉平均一公里少于50秒. 这题虎人,根本不用计算。
- DS:一路程,240mile,问平均速度 1〉前180mile多少花多少时间2〉后180花多少时间
- f(t)=2^x3^y5^z,
x,y,z分别是一个三位数的百,十,个位。f(m)=9f(v), 问m和v差多少。 答案是20 - DS:5^(-x)>3^(-y), 好像问x>y?
- DS:
p,r,t三个数,问mean. 1>? 2>6p+6r+6t=3; - 一个园,圆心在原点,半径3,问一直线是否过圆 1〉线过(2,2)2〉线过(4,4)
- 一个直角梯形,给两底和直边,直边那有一长方形阴影,给小梯形的面积,问阴影的宽
- DS: 商店买进120个咚咚,一个价钱卖出100个,剩余20以高于买价10%卖出。问利润是总成本的比例。1〉卖出100的单价比买价高30%
2〉迈出20个的单价比买价高$10 - DS:总人数100,共和党60,素食者70,问共和党中素食者人数 1> 共和党而非素食者若干2>两者都不是的有若干人
- DS:
f(x)=p^5x+q^3x+rx, f(1)=? 1> f(-1)=1; 2> pqr>0 - DS:∆表示+或者/,题目忘记了
1〉 ok; 2〉10∆5-7∆7=1 不能确定
- 学生参加audition, 条件忘记了反正一个60,一个70,可确定答案在30到60间,选45那个
别的想不起来了。。。 RC: 1 老观点,小公司投入很多资金研发以得到竞争力,新观点说大公司其实更倾向于投入研发,以获得垄断地位,但是如果领域内没有竞争对手,大公司并不会投入太多高研发。有一题问辛劳观点的共同之处,我选都是害怕竞争。2 有关公共物品, 以渔夫捕鱼为例,有一个主题提,我选介绍一个概念; 3一种lizard 的habitat, 介绍体形特征,演变及通过DNA测定演变,超长; 4介绍一个社会学者的观点,写两本书,以前认为怎么样,后来考虑racial issues, 态度发生变化,有一题,就是考因为考虑到racial issues, 态度发生变化。