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***1.13 North American                Robert之家 发表于 2003-1-14 22:49:04

sc: be awarded with sth. or be awarded sth.


*award sth. to sb.或者award sb. sth.
e.g.: The court awarded (him) damages of £50,000.
The court awarded damages of £50,000 to him.

*sb. be awarded sth.
e.g.:She was awarded a medal for bravery.
就如我们常听到的: 我们已碰到了自己的敌人,那就是我们自己。



(一) award   n.
25. The end of the eighteenth century saw the emergence of prize-stock breeding, with individual bulls and cows receiving awards, fetching unprecedented prices, and excited enormous interest whenever they were put on show.
(B)it excited
(D)would excite
(E)it had excited
(二)award   v.
59. In 1978 only half the women granted child support by a court received the amount awarded; at least as much as a million and more others had not any support agreements whatsoever.
(A)at least as much as a million and more others had not any
(B)at least as much as more than a million others had no
(C)more than a million others had not any
(D)more than a million others had no
(E)there was at least a million or more others without any

72. The number of undergraduate degrees in engineering awarded by colleges and universities in the United States increased by more than twice from 1978 to 1985.
(A)increased by more than twice
(B)increased more than two times
(C)more than doubled
(D)was more than doubled
(E)had more than doubled

222. By a vote of 9 to 0, the Supreme Court awarded the Central Intelligence Agency broad discretionary powers enabling it to withhold from the public the identities of its sources of intelligence information.
(A)enabling it to withhold from the public
(B)for it to withhold from the public
(C)for withholding disclosure to the public of
(D)that enable them to withhold from public disclosure
(E)that they can withhold public disclosure of



SC总结本周值周斑竹: Louisa

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be awarded with sth. or be awarded sth

A company distributed many computers to many students (to be in place of ) books.
to be placement of;
for them to replace;
for them to in place of;
for them to placement of

01/13 成绩=TOEFL
1.13 North American
Jan 13 JJ
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A company distributed many computers to many students (to be in place of ) books.
to be placement of;
for them to replace;
for them to in place of;
for them to placement of

choose C, right?




但是them指代不清(这是白大侠和LZM都强调过的:划线部分的代词80%都有问题),而这里them可以指COMPUTERS,也可以指students。 placement没有代替的意思。所以只好凑合选A了。


replace I choose B

in place of : instead of

place Vt. 1.put (sth) in a certain place ;arrange (things ) in their proper place
Eg. place them in the right place

placement  N. The act of placing or arranging.

So , i choose B

In addition, Award

1. vt.give or grant (by official decision0
EG. He was awarded the first prize.
2.n 1) decision made by judge
    2) something given as the result of decison
    3) money granted to students


到底选什么呀!!郁闷!!有谁来CONFIRM 一下呀!!


这道题mba8中也讲过,我决觉的用for them to replace 更为concise和logical,也符合OG的要义!
而其他选项都有awkwardness的之嫌,B的后一个infinite is ungammatical,D的in place of
The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge!



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