感謝前人的幫助 特地來回報 awa AI 就是那篇幫員工適應新變化的責任是在員工身上 不是在政府及企業上 AA ㄧ家雜貨店因開了藥店賺了錢,所以想再開餐廳及提供新的服務 rc 1.有ㄧ題因為太陽以前亮度較低所以推測地球以前是很冷的但實際上不是 所以後來研究發現地球的二氧化碳會改變 但是二氧化碳變濃溫度會上升 變淡溫度會下降 而且二氧化碳是較固定 不會隨意變化 最後有提到是因geochemical 的作用在調解 2. 是說有ㄧ個理論是某國的商人在距離較近的其他國家做生意 容易成功 可是實際上地理的相近 並不是決定因素 並舉美國跟加拿大的商人做例子 3.海豚的題目又再出來 sc. 有ㄧ題在gwd上 題目大概是 Fossils of the arm of the sloth, found in the 1910, have been dated at the ......, making the sloth the early mammal.... math jj的變題 科學家在研究一群侯鳥geese,60%male。During the scientific experiment some geese migrated, and 20% of them were male. 問,what is the ratio of the migrating rate for male geese to the migrating rate for felmale geese? 題目給了個公式 the migrating rate for a certain sex=the number of geese of that sex which migrated during the experiment/the total number of geese of that sex
最後題目問比例 選 6 to 1
43.If a man had earned $14,000 more in June, the pay for June would be twice as much as May. Was the pay for June greater than May?
(1)兩個人相加40000 (1)兩個人相加40000
(2) He earned more than 12,000 in June.
我選 c
最後 還是感謝前人的幫助 祝大家成功