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Another difficult CR

In malaria-infested areas, many children tend to suffer
   several bouts of malaria before becoming immune to
   the disease. Clearly, what must be happening is that
   those children’s immune systems are only weakly
   stimulated by any single exposure to the malaria
   parasite and need to be challenged several times to
   produce an effective immune response.

   Which of the following, if true, most seriously under-
   mines the explanatory hypothesis?
   (A) Immediately after a child has suffered a bout of
       malaria, the child’s caregivers tend to go to
       great lengths in taking precautions to prevent
       another infection, but this level of attention is
       not sustained.
   (B) Malaria is spread from person to person by
       mosquitoes, and mosquitoes have become
       increasingly resistant to the pesticides used
       to control them.
   (C) A certain gene, if inherited by children from
       only one of their parents, can render those
       children largely immune to infection with
   (D) Antimalaria vaccines, of which several are in
       development, are all designed to work by
       stimulating the body’s immune system.
   (E) There are several distinct strains of malaria, and
       the body’s immune response to any one of
       them does not protect it against the others.

I think the answer is E, rite?
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A 是否是支持,?

能 rationalize 一下E ma?



我觉得A象无关多与支持。E、直接驳斥了only weakly
stimulated by any single exposure to the malaria
parasite 。E说明病人得病后获得了免疫力,再次发病是因为感染了不同类型的原虫所导致。



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