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24. People were asked in a survey how old they felt. They replied, almost unanimously despite a great diversity of ages, with a number that was 75 percent of their real age. There is, however, a problem in understanding this sort of response. For example, suppose it meant that a 48-year-old man was claiming to feel as he felt at 36. But at age 16 he would have said he felt like a man of 27, and at 27 he would have said he felt just over 20, and so on into childhood. And surely, that 48-year-old man did not mean to suggest that he felt like a child!
Which one of the following techniques of reasoning is employed in the argument?
(A) projecting from responses collected alone time from many individuals of widely different ages to hypothetical earlier responses of a single individual at some of those ages
(B) reinterpreting what certain people actually said in the light of what would, in the circumstances, have been the most reasonable thing for them to say
(C) qualifying an overly sweeping generalization in light of a single well chosen counterexample
(D) deriving a contradiction from a pair of statements in order to prove that at least one of those statements is false
(E) analyzing an unexpected unanimity among respondents as evidence, not of a great uniformity of opinion among those respondents but of their successful manipulation by their questioners
答案为A,project在这里的意义,请大侠指点 |