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1 LSAT question

Since Mayor D always repays her political debts as soon as possible, she will almost certainly appoint Lee to be the new head of arts commission. Lee has wanted that job for a long time,and D owes Lee a lot for his support in the last election

What is the assumption

A> Mayor D has no potitical debt that is both of longer standing than the one she owes to Lee and could as suttable be repaid by an appointment to be the new head of the arts commission
B> There is no one to whom Mayor D owes a greater political debt for support in the last election than the political debt she owes to Lee
C> Lee is the only person to whom Mayor D owes a political debt who would be winning to accept an appointment from her as the new head of the arts commssion
D>Whether Lee is qualified to head the arts commission is irrelevant to Mayor D'
E> The only way that Mayor D can adequately repay her political debt to Lee is by appointing him to head the arts commission

通过分析,我认为B 的概念局限在 last election
               C  的概念绝对化
               D  根据傻子原则,不置可否
               E  太绝对化,

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B的概念局限在 last election 是无可非议的,因为原文讲的就是 last election 。B的错误在于与A相比他太片面(suttable be repaid by an appointment to be the new head of the arts commission )。
E、除你说的外,不能做前提的原因在于:原文说certainly appoint ,那万一她别人的欠债更多,别人更想呢?还能certainly appoint 吗?



选项 E》  certainly appoint 并不代表没有其他方式存在,所以E 错


certainly appoint 表示肯定指派。但E并没有给出足够的理由说certainly appoint 。



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