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[转帖]9月4號 JJ分享

1. DS: 一個三角形的面積是16根號3, 周長為多少?

1) 兩個邊等長

2) 有兩個角皆為30度

2. PS: 一個圓裡有一個三角形ABC, A為圓心, AB, AC皆為2, Angle BAC 為120度, 三角形的面積為何?

3. PS: P(a,b) and Q (c,d) in a xy plane. a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 = 87, ac+bd = 31, what's the distance between   and Q?

4. PS: Tom travels 100 miles. The fist 50 mile he travels at 40m/hour. The remaining distance he travels at 60m/hour. Whatis the average speed for the entire trip?

 5. DS: The median of the rent of the apartments is 550. What's the average (arithmatic mean) of the rent?

1) The avg rent of (apartments with rent higher than the median) is 890.

2) There are 370 (apartments with the rent higher than the median).

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