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10. People with serious financial problems are so worried about money that they cannot be happy. Their misery makes everyone close to them--family, friends, colleagues–unhappy as well. Only if their financial problems are solved can they and those around them be happy.
Which one of the following statements can be properly inferred from the passage?
(A) Only serious problems make people unhappy.
(B) People who solve their serious financial problems will be happy.
(C) People who do not have serious financial problems will be happy.
(D) If people are unhappy, they have serious financial problems.
(E) If people are happy, they do not have serious financial problems.

[why is B wrong, the answer is E]

13. If that insect is a bee, it can only sting once. It only did sting once. So it is a bee.
Which one of the following exhibits a pattern of reasoning most similar to that in the argument above?
(A) Spring is here. It has to be, because when it is spring, I cannot stop sneezing; and I just sneezed.
(B) When the sky is clear, the atmospheric pressure is high. At the moment, it is clearing up, so the atmospheric pressure is bound to be high soon.
(C) Old and brittle paintings are always moved with extreme care. That particular painting is never moved with extreme care. So it must not be old and brittle.
(D) Only one more thunderstorm was needed to ruin that roof. But the roof was still fine a month later. There must not have been any thunderstorm over that month.
(E) To survive in the wild requires physical stamina like Mark’s. All the same, Mark’s fear of spiders would prevent his survival.

[in my idea, both C and D are accurate. But the answer is A]

14. Pamela: Physicians training for a medical specialty serve as resident staff physicians in hospitals. They work such long hours – up to 36 consecutive hours – that fatigue impairs their ability to make the best medical decisions during the final portion of their shifts.
Quincy: Thousands of physicians now practicing have been trained according to the same regimen, and records show they generally made good medical decisions during their training periods. Why should what has worked in the past be changed now?
Which one of the following, if true, is the most effective counter Pamela might make to Quincy’s argument?
(A) The basic responsibilities of resident staff physicians in hospitals have not changed substantially over the past few decades.
(B) Because medical reimbursement policies now pay for less recuperation time in hospitals, patients in hospitals are, on the average, more seriously ill during their stay than in the past.
(C) It is important that emergency-room patients receive continuity of physician care, insofar as possible, over the critical period after admission, generally 24 hours.
(D) The load of work on resident physicians-in-training varies according to the medical specialty for which each is being trained.
(E) The training of physicians should include observation and recognition of the signs indicating a hospitalized patient’s progress or decline over a period of at least 36 hours.

[题目问的是什么,是反对Pemela吧,答案为什么是B ]

20. In Brazil, side-by-side comparisons of Africanized honeybees and the native honeybees have shown that the Africanized bees are far superior honey producers. Therefore, there is no reason to fear that domestic commercial honey production will decline in the United States if local honeybees are displaced by Africanized honeybees.
Each of the following, if true, would weaken the argument EXCEPT:
(A) The honeybees native to Brazil are not of the same variety as those most frequently used in the commercial beekeeping industry in the United States.
(B) Commercial honey production is far more complicated and expensive with Africanized honeybees than it is with the more docile honeybees common in the United States.
(C) If Africanized honeybees replace local honeybees, certain types of ornamental trees will be less effectively pollinated.
(D) In the United States a significant proportion of the commercial honey supply comes from hobby beekeepers, many of whom are likely to abandon beekeeping with the influx of Africanized bees.
(E) The area of Brazil where the comparative study was done is far better suited to the foraging habits of the Africanized honeybees than are most areas of the United States.

[I regard B as the accurate one , while the answer is C]

22. Public reports by national commissions, governors’ conference, and leadership groups have stressed the great need for better understanding of international affairs by the citizenry. If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, the need is undesirable. If there is such a need for the citizenry to have a better understanding of international affairs, then all of our new teachers must be prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation.
If all of the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following must also be true?
(A) If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, then new teachers must be prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation.
(B) If new teachers are prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation, then the country will remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness.
(C) If there is better understanding of international affairs by the citizenry, then the country will remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness.
(D) If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, then there is no need for the citizenry to have a better understanding of international affairs.
(E) Public reports from various groups and commissions have stressed the need for a more international orientation in the education of teachers.

[why is A the answer?  What is the meaning of the sentence “If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, the need is undesirable”]
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10. you can refer to : A only if B ==> If A, then B
So, the answer is E.

13. the logical structure: B-> S, S-> B
only A similiar: S-> Sn , Sn-> S

14.  question is asking what the most effective argument the counter P may make to rebut Q's . ==> B

20.Pay attention to " Except"  . Choose C , as B with " common" .
C , totally unrelated statment.

22. change "undesirable" to "undeniable" , you will get the answer A.


10.B) People who solve their serious financial problems will be happy.
here 'ppl' are NOT those who have their serious financial problems to be solved ...different from 'Only if their financial ...'
13..At first glance I thought C is correct too... but it is a ' not ' pattern .
D ? why D confussing ?...
20 , key words in C 'ornamental trees 'which is no commerical use .
22, the problem adopts the pattern a=>b=>c and so a=>c

good luck ^^
Concentrated and Diligent



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