JJ AWA: AA:“The Clio Development Group’s plan for a multilevel parking garage on Dock Street should be approved in order to strengthen the economy of the surrounding area. Although most of the buildings on the block would have to be demolished, they are among the oldest in the city and thus of little current economic value. Those who oppose the project should realize that historic preservation cannot be the only consideration: even Athens or Jerusalem will knock down old buildings to put up new ones that improve the local economy.” AI15. “Nations should cooperate to develop regulations that limit children’s access to adult material on the Internet.”* 作文是最让我郁闷的,第一次考t就只得了3.5分,这次也没怎么复习,考前根本没有恰时间写过一篇完整的作文,考试中全是靠不停的复制粘贴才赶完了,拼写错误根本没时间检查,好像还跑题了,只怕这次连2.5也没了。请教前辈们,申请商学院硕士的话GMAT作文分数影响大么?我真的真的不想2战啊。 MATH; 也许是因为我负责整理这个月的数学原始机井吧,对JJ题比较熟悉,我感觉考试中的题简直是全JJ,没有任何新题的说。明天如果还不换题库的话,考试的同志们看完JJ数学应该就是满分了。
VERBAL:RC:1:CA两种策略那个 2:帝王蝶 3:还有宇宙大爆炸,XX元素的成因之类那篇