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LSAT 8-IV-8 I am stuck here...

Can anyone help me solve this problem:

8-IV-8. In Malsenia sales of classical records are soaring. The buyers responsible for this boom are quite new to classical music and were drawn to it either by classical scores from television commercials or by theme tunes introducing major sports events on television. Audiences at classical concerts, however, are continually shrinking in Malsenia. It can be concluded from this that the new Malsenian converts to classical music, having initially experienced this music as recorded music, are most comfortable with classical music as recorded music and really have no desire to hear live performances.
The argument assumes which one of the following?

(A) To sell well in Malsenia, a classical record must include at least one piece familiar from television.
(B) At least some of the new Malsenian buyers of classical records have available to them the opinion of attending classical concerts.
(C) The number of classical concerts performed in Malsenia has not decreased in response to smaller audiences.
(D) The classical records available in Malsenia are, for the most part, not recordings of actual public concerts.
(E) Classical concerts in Malsenia are not limited to music that is readily available on recordings.

The correct answer is C, but looks like B is also right. How to differenciate these two?

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Thanks for reply.

I guess Opinion should be Option in B.

While I understand C is right, but why B is wrong?




Sorry, but can you explain in more detail?

If no options at all are available to these new record buyers, doesn't it also presents another weakening reason for the conclusion?





to me , I reckon B is better than C , for two reasons
1) B begins with 'at least some of ...' which is always regarded as incorrect
2) C means that the ' supply ' of the concert available is not shrinking , therefore , it's the 'demand' from audience that really responsible for the shrinking of the concert

Concentrated and Diligent



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