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[转帖]二戰8/25 台北 經驗與一點jj
我不是牛人,成績也沒有特別高,只是分享一下今天的奇遇(當機).今天考試考到第三篇閱讀(Milky Way)的第二題,電腦出現了平常家中windows常見到的Alert: the log transaction is failed !! 我當場傻眼,當機!!不會吧
經過了10分鐘,澳洲方面仍然無法解決,我便被先請出考場外等待,再過了幾分鐘,被通知恢復到剛剛的狀態請我馬上進去考試,我還沒坐下來喵了一下卻發現天哪!! 時間已經在倒數計時了,小姐好心的問我你還記得當初你離開考場是還剩幾分鐘嗎? 我真的一整個傻眼(時間還要我自己記啊..我哪記得啊..)只好跟他說算了,自己快速收拾慌亂的心情硬著頭皮應戰,什麼pace.語感早就不知道哪去了?
還好成績沒有很差, 加上也是我最後一次, po出來讓大家如果碰到有個心理準備(當然還是希望大家都能順利一股作氣殺g成功)!!以下附一點jj(本來想努力記出來分享給大家,事情一發生就忘了一大堆)
AA: 42. The following appeared in the opinion section of a national newsmagazine. “To reverse the deterioration of the postal service, the government should raise the price of postage stamps. This solution will no doubt prove effective, since the price increase will generate larger revenues and will also reduce the volume of mail, thereby eliminating the strain on the existing system and contributing to improved morale.”
AI: 5. “All groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities and duties. Giving one person central authority and responsibility for a project or task is not an effective way to get work done.” To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Support your views with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from your own work or school experiences, your observations, or your reading.
第一題記得最清楚 有一個人行李箱有三個鎖,三個鎖中的任意兩個要有相同的因數,但三個不能有共同的因數,題目提供五組數字,例如 (1) 21 15 35 這個就可以選
其他有印象重複的有 1.有一個圖形體,兩個同樣大小的小圓一上一下斜放在一個正方形內和正方形相切,告訴小圓的半徑,求正方形的對角線。 2×r×(1+根號2)
2.X, y, z三點在一條直線上面,y在x,z之間,w到x, z的距離相等,然後選下面那個必然成立有xw>xy; xy>yz; xw>yw等 (補充 w不在這條直線上)
15.DS:Tom is going to move, he has three kinds of boxes: large, medium, and small. Now he has already 11 large boxes, each of which is either empty or filled with 6 medium boxes. Medium boxes are filled in the large boxes and each of them is either empty or filled with 6 small boxes. Small boxes are empty and filled in the medium boxes. How many boxes does Tom have?(1) he has 56 empty boxes(2)he has 42 small boxes. a
16.DS:問X的百分位是不是0?(1)16x是整數(2)8x是整數 X = 有可能是0.25或0.5 (但我考到的是十位是不是0)
17.店裏賣兩種報,報A每份1元和報B每份1.25元,今天只賣了這兩種報,r percent指的是報A收入占總收入的百分比,p percent指的是報A copies占總數的百分比,問r怎麼用p來表示.
30.DS:R,S,T被5除都有相同的餘數,求T. 1) R+S=T 2)20<=T<=24 C
45. Y>=3, X>=2, Y<=X-6,問相交的面積?
48.DS:數K和N,問K是不是質數?條件1:K是N大於1的least factor 條件2:K的因數數是2.
52.DS:一個四邊相等的四邊形,問其中一條對角線的長度。1)一條邊的長度,2)另一條對角線的長度. C
57for savings into bank, for first 0 - 20,000, interest rate is 2 %, next 20,000 to 50,000 interest rate is 2.5%,and above 50,000 interest is 3.5%, what is the saving amount that the interest equal to 3%? 120000
131DS:八邊形求邊長 ?(無法畫圖,用1-8表示頂點)條件1,連接頂點3,7的長度.條件2,連接頂點4,6的長度.
1533305 乘與一個只有一個數字(x)的數後成為了5位數,已知這個5位數的個位是5,求x和這個五位數的百位數(y)的集合分別是多少?
205坐標系中,縱軸是周長,橫軸是長度,在第一象限有一個類似拋物線y=x^2的圖形,(但絕不是y=x^2啊,只是這麼個意思),開口向上,與x軸、 y軸均不相交,左半部分無限趨近y軸,在弧線上標了好幾個點的座標。題目的意思好像是說要修一個面積是**的操場(用籬笆?),……,問長度是多少時,周長可以enclose the playground。答案中有40,60,什麼的。期待後人補充。此題出現在30-35的時候。(補充: 操場面積是1600 選項有10 40 60 340)
Downsizing 印度女作家 地球與月亮 費洛蒙(這篇沒看到什麼機經,我亂答的) |