(Where once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members by supporting) the imposition of an alien tax on immigrant workers, after 1897 the United Mine Workers made a determined effort to enlist Italians and Slavs in its ranks. (A) Where once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members by supporting
(B) Where once the union acquiesced to its English-speaking members' prejudices for the support of (C) While once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members in support of
(D) While once the union acquiesced to its English-speaking members' prejudices in supporting (E) While once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members
in its support of这道题出现在白勇的《GMAT语法全解》的绪言里面,在新东方教材上也有这道题,我选的答案是C,但是新东方给的答案是A,不知各位什么看法。 a by supporting 意思比较明确,c in support of 模糊; c 巴意思改了;还有这种罕见的引导词where合while 比较,我一般选原来的,维持意四不变 |