刚考完,没有到理想的分数,心里实在憋的慌。考前用GMATPREP模考3回,730/730/740,感觉相当稳定,但是实战PACE有问题,到最后匆匆忙忙的,脑子也不转了,估计还是败在PACE上。 AWA: ISSUE: 22. “Clearly, government has a responsibility to support the arts. However, if that support is going to produce anything of value, government must place no restrictions on the art that is produced.” To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Develop your position by giving specific reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
ARGUMENT: 124. The following appeared in a memorandum from the owner of Carlo’s Clothing to the staff. “Since Disc Depot, the music store on the next block, began a new radio advertising campaign last year, its business has grown dramatically, as evidenced by the large increase in foot traffic into the store. While the Disc Depot’s owners have apparently become wealthy enough to retire, profits at Carlo’s Clothing have remained stagnant for the past three years. In order to boost our sales and profits, we should therefore switch from newspaper advertising to frequent radio advertisements like those for Disc Depot.” MATH: 遇到5、6到本月JJ,这里不多罗嗦了,还遇到GWD上的一题:求 MAX[10,W],就是取最大值和最小值的那道DS题。其它的想到再补。 VERBAL: RC: 1.GWD-8-Q25 -Q28那篇,但是问题都不一样,感觉很难选。好像一个问题是选项中哪个例子反映了constructive view. 2.好像是讲温室效应和二氧化碳,没时间看,扫了一眼。 CR: 只遇到一道GWD上的题:GWD-6-Q21,问题和选项都一样。其它题都模模糊糊的记不住了。 |