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I will take the test next week, please HELP me!!

敬请各位大虾帮忙确认以下问题,谢谢! 1.A craftsman produces 126 beams, and puts them in different boxes. if the boxes contains either 6 or 24 beams, then what's the number of boxes which contain 6 beams? A: less than 4 boxes contain 6 beams each B: more than 4 boxes contain 24 beams (C or D) 2.(根号3)的负k次方<81分之一,求k? 1= k为小于10的奇数; 2= k为质数 answer: A why? 3.(DS)P,K positive integer.3P+2K=42.P=? 1) P<12 2) K=3 anser :b ? why 4.k 是整数, 问k(k+1)(k-1)能否被6整除? A k>0 B k是3的倍数 answer : B ? Why? 5.X>Y? 1)Y/IxI<1, 2) X>0.Answer : C ? Why ? 6.(X^4 )(Y^3) =5000, Y是多少? 1) X是整数 2)Y是正整数 answer : C or A
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1.是d吗? 2.3^(k/2)<3^(-4) so k>8 3.p=14-2*k/3 so k>=3 . if k=3 p=12 4.应该是a吧 三个连续整数肯定可以被6整除 5.c 6.c 不知道对不对



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