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GMAT SC JJ(11.11-11.17)批注

GMAT SC JJ(11.11-11.17)批注
2.In contrast to ongoing deficit balance with Japan and china, the united states +某个名词+谓语,+分词短语。
这句话 是全划线。答案中有出现
1) when compared with…..
2) compared with….
注: 关键在于 In contrast to 或Compared with the ongoing deficit balance…, 主词应该能与deficit比较。原句一定错,the United States 不能与balance 比较

3. 救 援 人 员 找 到 了 7 人 中 的 1 人 , 人 们 希 望 (it is hopeful) 他 们 (能 找 到 余 下 的 人 )
(A), (B)could find...
注: 关键在于 hopeful 后应接could
1.我的最后一道,具体记不太清了, 大概吧!答案应该就在这两个中选择:
B: Since the publication of 书名 in 19xx,Ms.A has worked to improve the opportunities of women in the United States.
E: Ms.A has worked to improve women's opportunities in the United States since the publication of 书名 in 19xx.
注: 关键在于opportunities of doing / for doing / to do 都是指其内容,不是所有格。故应该用 women’s opportunities.
Now , new technologies allow manufactories to produce cars more fuel-efficient than those any time in the production history .
A) than any time.......
B) than those in any other time
C) than
注: 关键在于现在的cars 与 those in any other time in the production history 比较,以及now 与其它时间比较时应把now自己排外。故选(B) those in any other time

112. Domestic automobile manufacturers have invested millions of dollars into research to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the road.
(A)        into research to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the road
(B)        into research for developing even more gasoline-efficient cars on the road than at present
(C)        for research for cars to be developed that are more gasoline-efficient even than presently the road
(D)        in research to develop cars even more gasoline-efficient than those at present on the road
(E)        in research for developing cars that are even more gasoline-efficient than presently on the road
Choice D, the best answer, uses the preposition than to compare two clearly specified and grammatically parallel terms, the cars the manufacturers hope to develop and those at present on the road. In A, the phrase more gasoline-efficient ... than presently on the road does not identify the second term of the comparison. In B, the misuse of modifying phrases produces an ambiguous and awkward statement: even more gasoline-efficient cars could refer either to more cars that are efficient or to cars that are more efficient. Choices B, C, and E all use research for [verb] where the idiom requires research to [verb]. In addition, C awkwardly separates even from more, and C and E again fail to indicate the second term of the comparison.

[此贴子已经被作者于2002-11-19 2:44:57编辑过]

[此贴子已经被作者于2002-11-19 2:45:49编辑过]

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Great! You speaked out the usage of "opportunity" , I totally agree. Furthermore,  the usage of "Since" is the key, which I learned from standard writing English .


For your reference!

I will choose E . The test point I think is " since...." , confusing. Since can mean "because", but it can also mean "from the time that". So, you better rephrase the sentence like E. " women's opportunies " is correct.


Can you give us for example to talk about "关键在于 hopeful 后应接could "? Thank you.


我还是选the opportunity of women
in the united states只能修饰 women,不能直接跟在opportunity 后,否则就是修饰opportunity了,这不符题意。



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