今天的考试结果是万万没想到,差到没法想象, 下面是经验教训.
1. 选学校时要小心, 选完5个学校后,再next. 我是不小心,结果只选了一个学校.
2. 作文就这样,上模板就是了. 我考试前晚看了JJ的AI, 结果碰到了一个,省了写力气.
3. 数学要比GMATprep容易多了, 我是51,可我模考时根本做不完, 考试时却做的很轻松.
4. 语文部分,出了很多语法,但 我也做的比较顺利,可却考的惨不忍du, the score is below 30.
5. 说起GMATprep,害我不浅,我做了两次,数学都做不完,只有48/49,而verb部分却有39/41. 所以我考前几天做了些数学题,verb基本没看.而我verbal实际考试却30都没到.
6, 肯定要重考了,看来我的语法有大问题.准备好好做做大全和GWD
7 象我这钟情况,语文部分的阅读理解没有问题,自己觉的也可以考到40左右. 但结果却这么差,问题出在那里呢?下面怎么努力呢?准备将目标定在770,这样再差也会有偿700.
7, 是不是一月内只能考一次,要报名得等到下月了?
AI.22. “Clearly, government has a responsibility to support the arts. However, if that support is going to produce anything of value, government must place no restrictions on the art that is produced.”
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Develop your position by giving specific reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1. 说的是immigration force,过去的经济学家不认为有这种现象存在,但作者说immigration force is there and contributes to the economy. 2. it said that the Taurus has a ring-like stuff which orbits the Taurus. Some people thought this ring is formed long time ago, But the author propose another explanation.
3. A writer wrote a book about the culture of a race, mexcian? in houston area. This author investigated the culture of this race from special angels, which is brand new and agasint the old research. He related the urbanization to the formation of the culture of this race. He still saw the changing of this culture. This artice is very long. vincent says:
4, I forgot it, sorry.