AI:People are likely to accept as a leader only when he or she demonstrates an ability to perform what he or she expects others to perform.
AA:Apex Manufacturing gave computers and internet connections to its employees and the productivity increased by 15%. so other companies should give computers and internet connections to their employees too.
数学不难,有道机经里的d=2^64, 2^P=d^d, P=?
GWD 有两到三道,一模一样的题目。DS都很tricky,要特别注意将1和2分开考虑。
阅读比较难。。。我的问题是文章都读懂了,还是吃不准选哪个。有篇关于british census, although women data are not correctly depicted because of traditional economics theory, 就是女人在家里的劳动不能算创造价值。nevertheless, provided important manifestation on social values.
SC不难。没有碰到超过五行的句子。先这样吧, 祝好运! |