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1942年,彼得·F·德鲁克(Peter F.Drucker)还是位于佛蒙特的贝宁顿大学(Bennington College)的政治学与哲学教授。当时他写的《工业人的未来》一书引起了通用汽车的传奇人物艾尔弗雷德·P·斯隆(Alfred P.Sloan)的注意。斯隆被这本书深深地折服,于是邀请德鲁克到通用汽车进行调研。尽管有人警告德鲁克,这很可能毁了他的学术前程,但是他还是欣然接受了这个邀请。德鲁克后来说到,当时就好像他单枪匹马开始了探索“黑暗的管理大陆”的旅程。这让他成为管理学的开创者。这一探索随着他11月11日的逝世嘎然而止,德鲁克享年95岁。

“彼得·德鲁克的逝世令世界失去了一位思想界巨擎,”沃顿商学院SEI高级管理研究中心主任尤拉姆(杰瑞)文德(Yoram (Jerry) Wind)说。“沃顿商学院和我失去了一位朋友,他的去世对无论是盈利还是非盈利组织的管理学领域来说都是巨大的损失。但是他的思想以及作为管理学巨擎的影响力将会世代相传。”


“提到德鲁克的贡献,我能想到的最重要的东西就是他的著作,”管理学教授约翰·金伯利(John Kimberly)说。“对我来说,他所作出的贡献中最了不起的就是那么多的著作,而且这些著作既明白易懂,又具有深刻的洞察力。在超过半个世纪的时间里,德鲁克笔耕不断。虽然在这段时期内科技、市场和组织都发生了巨变,而他的洞见却永不过时,切中要害,反映出他对于世界热切的观察和他睿智的心灵。德鲁克具备一种高超的能力,能够切入很多人认为是非常复杂的组织和管理问题,指出最基本的原理。他提出的真知灼见总是很简单,却并不单纯。作为一位管理学领域真正的巨人,人们将会永远怀念他。”


文德指出,最近对德鲁克的很多怀念和致敬都集中在他的30本著作上,这些著作已经被翻译成50种语言,发行了几千万册。“让我们也关注一下那些彼得·德鲁克一些不那么为人所熟知的事实,看看为什么我把他当作我们最好的榜样。”文德说,其中一点,就是德鲁克是“一位真正的文艺复兴主义式的人物。除了他那些著名的管理学著作(15本书,8套教学电影,10套网上课程以及无数的文章),社会、经济和政治著作(13本书和无数篇文章),彼得还在1979年出版了一本关于日本绘画的书以及两本小说(1982年出版的《所有可能世界的终极(The Last of All Possible Worlds)》和1984年出版的《做善事的诱惑(The Temptation to Do Good)》)。他对知识有着强烈的好奇心,并且具有强烈的社会责任感,这些都指导着他的兴趣和活动。”




索尔·C·斯尼德企业家研究中心主任,管理学教授伊安·C·马克米兰(Ian C. Macmillan)说,对他而言,德鲁克最大的贡献是关于创新和企业家精神的著作。他“撰写的关于创新和企业家精神的著作,是同类著作中最精练,但也是最全面的,”马克米兰说。“在《哈佛商业评论》不到10页的一篇文章中,他的真知灼见引导我对自己所做的所有事情进行了思考。这篇文章就是1998年底发表的《创新法则》。”

德鲁克关于商业企业组织的著作也同样具有开天辟地的地位,管理学教授马罗·F·古林(Mauro F. Guillen)指出。“在上个世纪40年代,德鲁克第一个揭示了现代企业已经发展成为高度复杂的组织,并且提出了组织企业架构的最佳方法,使得公司能够更加高效地运转。在大型工业企业领域,他的著作最直接,最有启发性。从我个人的角度来看,他最应该被记住的一句话出自他1954年出版的《管理实践》一书:‘无论各个经理人如何出色,一个糟糕的组织架构不可能产生出色的业绩。’”

管理学教授马歇尔·W·迈尔(Marshall W. Meyer)也认为德鲁克关于公司组织的著作非常重要:“人们会因为他提出了‘知识工人’这一说法而永远记住他,”他说。“然而,他最重大的贡献是他对公司的有机观点。他的见解非常不同与如今把公司看过是没有人情味的关系的集合的观点。在他的著作《企业的概念》中,他强烈地呼吁实行自我管理的工厂社区的出现。虽然这一呼吁并没有多少结果。他强烈批评过度职业化,以及把经理人孤立于社会的做法和观点。他还常常把经理人和指挥,公司和交响乐团相比较。”

管理学教授约翰·保罗·迈克杜非 (John Paul MacDuffie )也和迈尔持相同的观点,认为德鲁克“很早就指出未来‘知识工人’的趋势,是非常有预见力的。”他补充说:“他随后又研究了这种趋势对于组织意味着什么,并且不断提出了很多真知灼见。甚至在他最早的一本关于通用汽车的书中,他就提倡经理人应该依靠和信任员工的经验,让他们在工作中拥有更多的自主权。”

德鲁克是第一个让知识工人“拥有自己产出”的管理学思想家,运营和信息技术教授拉维·艾隆(Ravi Aron )说。有意思的是,这也让他对“知识型工作的外包现象产生了很大的顾虑。德鲁克觉得,公司不知道谁是他们的专家,这让他对那些所谓的知识管理项目产生了质疑。他很担心一旦公司把知识型的工作外包出去后,公司有可能会丧失重要的信息和见解。当你把知识型的业务剥离出来外包给其它公司,这可不同于和把球轴承生产外包给中国。”艾隆说。“这让他非常怀疑外包。我并不同意德鲁克在此问题上的倾向,但是这也是我所听到的反对外包的观点中最站得住脚的。”


和他在管理学领域广泛的贡献一样,德鲁克在营销学方面的著作也同样重要,沃顿商学院的教授们表示。营销系主任斯蒂芬·J·霍奇(Stephen J. Hoch)把德鲁克形容为“管理学大师中的沃伦·巴菲特。他对管理和营销的分析总是精练并且切中要点。他从来不刻意讨好读者或使用那些时髦的字眼,而是通过直截了当的推理和表述明确的想法,来传递一系列信息。德鲁克以下这段论述至今仍是营销学的精髓:‘营销的目的是让销售成为多余的步骤。……它要非常了解顾客,使产品或者服务非常适合顾客,从而实现自我销售。在理想的状况下,营销应该让顾客做好购买的准备。’”

营销学教授大卫·J·鲁宾斯坦(David J. Reibstein)说他一生中最值得怀念的日子就是“七年前在德鲁克家和他共同度过的那天。这个对商业和社会产生如此巨大影响的人却非常谦虚朴素,他位于加州州克莱蒙的家俭朴而又非常舒适。他对商业领域的每一个方面及其在社会中的角色都有非常深刻的见解。德鲁克认为企业中最有价值的资产就是人。总得来说,他被视为管理学之父,但是我也把他当作营销学之父。他说,商业的作用就是创造顾客。他总是强调要重视顾客,理解他们最重视的东西。我想有许多学科都想推崇他为‘该学科之父’。在超过65年的时间里,他一直在贡献自己的作品,而他的思想永远都领先于我们的时代。”


过去几天里,有些作者指出,德鲁克没有在任何一所一流商学院得到终身教职,以此来抨击商学院,借此把商业教育的作用最小化。然而,事实是,德鲁克和学术界以及沃顿商学院有着非常紧密的关系,并且帮助指导了学校的不少项目。“我们沃顿商学院有幸有彼得这样一位亲密而又关心学校的朋友,”文德说。“在上个世纪80年代晚期,他鼓励我们开设SEI管理高级研究中心,并且是中心的第一位演讲嘉宾。在同一时间,他又牵头开展了沃顿管理2000项目,这个项目后来孕育出了90年代初一套新的MBA课程。彼得对我们新的MBA课程非常支持,还帮助推广这个项目。1993年他在SEI中心做了著名的‘新组织 (The New Organization)’演讲。当我们最近成立沃顿商学院出版社 (Wharton School Publishing )时,他也最早给我们支持,鼓励我们建立这个项目。我们沃顿商学院会想念他,而我个人也深深怀念这位朋友。”



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Farewell, Peter Drucker: A Tribute to an Intellectual Giant

Back in 1942, when ersonName>Peter F. DruckerersonName> was a professor of politics and philosophy at laceName>BenningtonlaceName> laceType>CollegelaceType> in Vermont, a book he had written, The Future of Industrial Man, caught the attention of ersonName>Alfred P. SloanersonName>, the legendary head of General Motors. Sloan was so impressed by the book that he invited Drucker to study GM, and Drucker agreed -- ignoring the warnings of those who said the project might derail his academic career. As Drucker said later, it was as though he had single-handedly begun an expedition to map "the dark continent of management." That exploration, which gave birth to the field of management, came to an end on November 11 when Drucker passed away at age 95.

"With the passing of ersonName>Peter DruckerersonName>, the world has lost one of its intellectual giants," says Yoram (Jerry) Wind, director of the SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management at Wharton. "Wharton and I have lost a friend, as has the field of enlightened and responsible management of both for-profit and non-profit organizations. Yet Peter's legacy and impact as a role model will last."

To honor Drucker's legacy and celebrate the ongoing relevance of his ideas and insights, Knowledge@Wharton asked several Wharton professors to sum up Drucker's most important contributions to management knowledge. Their answers are grounded in Drucker's writings on management and marketing. In Lasting Leadership: What You Can Learn from the 25 Most Influential Business People of Our Times, a book published last year, Knowledge@Wharton and Nightly Business Report named Drucker one of the 25 most influential business leaders of the past 25 years, though had the time span been 50 years he would still easily have made the list.

"There is no single contribution that I associate with Drucker that clearly stands above the corpus of his work," says John Kimberly, a professor of management. "To me, what is remarkable about his contributions is that they are numerous, always articulated in a simple and accessible way, and always insightful. Drucker's writing spanned well over half a century, a period during which technologies, markets and organizations changed dramatically, yet his insights were always fresh and pertinent, the product of keen observation and a fine mind. Drucker had the ability to cut through what seemed to many to be highly complex organizational and managerial issues and identify the basics. His insights were frequently simple, but never simplistic. He will be remembered as a true giant in the field of management."

Renaissance Person

According to Wind, many of the recent tributes to Drucker have focused on his 30 books, which have been translated into 50 languages and sold millions of copies. "Let me focus on some of the less known facts about Peter Drucker and why I consider him to be the best role model for all of us." For one thing, says Wind, Drucker was "a true renaissance person. In addition to his well-known books and writings on management (15 books, eight series of educational movies, 10 online courses and numerous articles) and society, economy and politics (13 books and numerous articles), Peter wrote in 1979 a book on Japanese painting, and two novels (The Last of All Possible Worlds, 1982, and The Temptation to Do Good, 1984). He had enormous intellectual curiosity and social consciousness that guided much of his interests and activities."

In addition, Wind adds, Drucker was a "truly interdisciplinary scholar. In his writing he bridged management as well as social and behavioral science, clearly demonstrating that no management problem can be addressed effectively from the narrow confines of a single discipline." Moreover, Drucker was a "true integrator of theory and practice. Throughout his life, he engaged in consulting to top managements of numerous companies, large and small, as well as pro-bono consulting to numerous non-profit organizations such as the Red Cross, universities, hospitals, community service organizations and government agencies."

Drucker combined his broad sweep of intellectual interests with a genius for communication. "His sense of humor, humility and respect for his audiences helped endear him to people all over the world, whether it was speaking to someone one-on-one or to a crowd of thousands," notes Wind. Moreover, Drucker was indefatigable. "He was highly productive and active. Even after retiring from active teaching in the last few years, and in spite of his hearing problems, he continued to write and interact with others." Wind adds that despite all the acclaim that came his way over the years, Drucker retained his humility, living in "a modest home and always being humble, kind and friendly. He was a real 'mensch.'"

Innovation, Organization and Knowledge Workers

Ian C. Macmillan, a management professor and director of the Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Research Center, says that for him, Drucker's most significant contribution is to the literature on innovation and entrepreneurship. He "wrote the most concise yet comprehensive piece of work on innovation and entrepreneurship ever written," Macmillan says. "Captured in less than 10 pages in a Harvard Business Review article, his insights guide my thinking in all the work that I do. The article was 'The Discipline of Innovation,' published at the end of 1998."

Drucker's work on the organization of business corporations was equally path-breaking, points out Mauro F. Guillen, a management professor. "Drucker was the first to show, back in the 1940s, how incredibly complex modern corporations had become and what would be the best ways to organize them so that they could function successfully. He became the most incisive and illuminating writer on the large industrial corporation. From my perspective, his most memorable line is in his 1954 book, The Practice of Management: "A poor organization structure makes good performance impossible, no matter how good the individual managers may be."

Management professor Marshall W. Meyer agrees that Drucker's work on the organization of the firm is critical: "Drucker will be most remembered for coining the term 'knowledge worker,'" he says. "However, his most important contribution was his organic view of the firm, which is sharply at odds with today's view of the firm as a nexus of impersonal contracts. In his first book, The Concept of the Corporation, Drucker pressed, unsuccessfully, for self-governing plant communities. He railed against excessive professionalization and isolation of managers from society and often compared managers to conductors and firms to orchestras."

John Paul MacDuffie, a management professor, shares Meyer's view that Drucker's "early identification of the trend towards 'knowledge workers' was incredibly prescient." He adds: "Drucker's subsequent exploration of what that means for organizations provided a continuing stream of insights. Even in his earliest writing, in the book about General Motors, he was an advocate for managers relying on the expertise of their employees and granting them more autonomy at work."

Drucker was the first management thinker to give knowledge workers "ownership of their output," says Ravi Aron, a professor of operations and information management. Paradoxically, that also aroused in him "deep misgivings over the phenomenon of outsourcing of knowledge-based work. Drucker felt that companies did not know who their experts were, and that made him skeptical of so-called knowledge management initiatives. He was concerned about what insights companies might lose when knowledge-based work is outsourced. When you take such work out of your company and outsource it elsewhere, it's not like sourcing the production of ball-bearings from China," Aron says. "It made him very skeptical about outsourcing. I disagree with Drucker's slant -- but it is the only rigorous objection to outsourcing that I have heard."

Master of Marketing

Wide-ranging as Drucker's contributions were to the field of management, his writings about marketing are as important, say Wharton professors. Stephen J. Hoch, chairperson of the marketing department, describes Drucker as "the Warren Buffett of management gurus. His analysis of management and marketing issues always was pithy and to the point. No pandering to buzzwords and fads, but a constancy of message, with straightforward reasoning and clearly articulated ideas. The following statement attributed to Drucker is today still the essence of marketing: 'The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. (It) ... is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy.'"

Marketing professor David J. Reibstein says one of the most memorable days of his life was "the day I spent with Drucker in his home nearly seven years ago. A man of such enormous impact on business and society was a very modest man, surrounded in a humble yet very comfortable home in Claremont, Calif. He had such tremendous insight into every facet of business and its role in society. Drucker considered a business's most valuable asset to be its people. Generally, he is considered the father of management, but I also consider him the father of marketing. He said the role of business is to create a customer. He always emphasized focusing on customers and understanding what they valued. I assume many fields want to claim him as their 'father.' While he contributed to the literature for more than 65 years, his thoughts are way ahead of our time."

Drucker and Wharton

During the past few days, some writers have used the fact that Drucker did not hold a tenured faculty position at a leading business school to slam business schools and minimize the relevance of business education. The reality, however, is that Drucker had a close relationship with academia and with Wharton, and in fact helped guide some of the school's initiatives. "We at Wharton were fortunate to have in Peter a close and caring friend," says Wind. "In the late 1980s, he encouraged us to launch the SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management and was our first speaker. At about the same time, he kicked off the discussion of Wharton's Management 2000 project, which led to the creation of the new MBA curriculum in the early 1990s. Peter endorsed our new MBA curriculum and helped publicize it. In 1993 he gave the SEI Distinguished lecture on 'The New Organization.' Recently, when we launched Wharton School Publishing, he gave us the first endorsement and encouraged us to undertake this venture. We will miss him at Wharton and I will miss him as a friend."

On the last day of his core MBA course on "Managing People at Work," MacDuffie uses a quote from Drucker about the importance of the manager's role. It says, "I would hope that American managers -- indeed managers worldwide -- continue to appreciate what I have been saying since day one: Management is so much more than exercising rank and privilege, it's so much more than 'making deals.' Management affects people and their lives, both in business and many other aspects as well. The practice of management deserves our utmost attention; it deserves to be studied."

Drucker studied management -- in fact, he discovered it and taught how it can make a difference to society. In doing so, he has left our world the richer for the knowledge he created and shared. Thank you, Peter Drucker.



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