共(40)行 是說一種蜂(paper wasp),其社會階級與會不會被趕走有無關聯
蜂的社會裏是有社會階級的,從最高的蜂后接下來是第二高階的雌蜂 subordinate,然後是第三、第四….到最低的工蜂(越高的長的越大隻)。 然後是舊觀點出現,說在這個蜂巢發展到一定程度後,第二階以下的蜂會因為『功高震主』。有趣是出走的順序還是依照第二然後是第三依此排序來離開的。還說離開時,蜂巢裏會有排擠,爭吵的情型出現。
第二段開始找了個人來說個新觀點反對舊觀點。 這個人說,根據新的觀察,發現其實在高位蜂出走前,蜂巢內並沒有說會發生特別高頻的爭吵。 還說,其實高位蜂出走不是因為功高震主,其實是因為,高位蜂們看到蜂巢內的資源不足,蜂數也太多了,才是出走的主要原因。 還說,高位蜂在出走後一旦到別人的地盤時,反而會進行篡位,把原來的蜂后拉下來。
二.問說下列中那項是後來那個唱反調的人會支持的選項? 我選了,高位蜂會到別人家去撒野,奪權!!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_wasp 幫大伙找了一下背景資料,下面標出的字有考到
Dominance hierarchy system
Morphologically, there is little difference between the foundress and subordinate reproductive members of the colony. However, several studies have shown that behavioural differentiation occurs (Theraulaz 1992, Pardi 1942), the role the individual female taking determined by social interaction within the colony. Typically, the alpha female dominates all other individuals of a colony, and this female lays the majority of eggs, and partakes in differential oophagy. The alpha female devotes much of her time to social interaction, in comparison to subordinates that are much more involved in foraging and brood care (Theraulaz 1989).
These behavioural divisions are not permanent; if an alpha female is removed from a nest then another female (usually the second-most dominant, beta female) assumes the role and behavioural profile of the removed dominant. Indeed, individuals alternate between different profiles of behaviour within their own dominance rank position.
Some studies (Pardi 1946) seem to indicate that the dominant female, through its behaviour, suppresses the ovarian development of subordinates. Abdominal wagging is thought to serve as a dominance signal between dominant foundresses and subordinates, but studies by Roseler and Roseler (1989) showed that ovariectomiszed dominants failed to restrict subordinate reproduction whilst still retaining dominance.
是在gwd 28 關於顧客忠誠度的那篇
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