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UTD dual MS-MBA program奖学金问题

之前申请的是MSA,给的是dual MS-MBA program奖学金,可以第一年以这个身份拿奖学金,第二年不读这个mba学位吗,第一年课程设置都跟MSA一样吗,求知道的人解释下      

You have been selected to receive a UT Dallas Naveen Jindal School of Management Dean’s Excellence Scholarship for Fall 2014 semester. The scholarship committee believes that you will be an ideal

candidate for the dual MS-MBA program based on your academic achievement and work experience (see link below).


To secure your scholarship award, we ask that you agree to enroll in our dual MS-MBA program. Please be advised that:

- This is not a commitment and you are not obligated to complete the second degree (for example, MBA) at all.

- Enrolling in the dual MS-MBA program will not affect your desire to ONLY COMPLETE the MS or the MBA depending upon your preference.

- You may cancel your dual degree after the completion of two long semesters.

Scholarship Details

- $1,000 (one-time/non-renewal) will be credited into your student account.

- Texas-resident status will reduce your tuition by about 50% for the academic year (Fall 2014 and Spring and Summer 2015).

- You MUST attend (no exception) the scholarship orientation on August 22, 2014 at 03:30 PM.

- You are not eligible for this award if you have earned any graduate credits from JSOM at any time prior to starting the degree associated with this scholarship application.  

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To secure your scholarship award, we ask that you agree to enroll in our dual MS-MBA program. Please be advised that:
- This is not a commitment and you are not obligated to complete the second degree (for example, MBA) at all.
- Enrolling in the dual MS-MBA program will not affect your desire to ONLY COMPLETE the MS or the MBA depending upon your preference.
- You may cancel your dual degree after the completion of two long semesters.



many thanks


many thanks


many thanks




just for a look





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